HUGE RED Emerald Crab


I had 3 emerald crabs in my tank at one time. Two of which mated and I had little offspring going every where. The fish ate all of them, so i thought. But one survived. Its red in color and thought it would molt and be green like normal emerald crabs. But instead, it molted, red in color, and Huge!

Parents was green, probably there parents were too. Rare gene?


New Member
We got a red emerald crab in at the LFS i used to work at. A customer surrendered it to us, claiming it was eating his mushrooms???
Anyway, that's the only experience i have with a red emerald, i thought i may be a different subspecies, but i guess not. weird!


I've had both red and green emeralds. As far as I am aware they are the same species just different colors. However both the red emeralds I had were brutes.