New Member
Ive recently found an interest in Marine Fishkeeping. My experience with fishkeeping has been limited to 3 Freshwater fishtanks( 5 Gal., 5 Gal, 10 Gal) and I've only been keeping fish for about 5 years( since i'm just a teenager). In the future, My Dad's friend might give me his 150 Gallon Fishtank.( Big Jump from a 10 Gallon, Eh?). I know this wouldnt be advised jumping from keeping a 10 to a 150 Gallon but Ive done tons of research about keeping large tanks and I'm pretty educated in the topic now. I've bought books and learned about different equipment and just pretty much learning how to handle a huge tank. Now this is where I am stumped. Should a fishkeeper who has little prior experience is Marine fishkeeping take on a 150 Gallon Marine Aquarium or should I stick with freshwater. I really am interested in Marine but I am afraid of how much effort you must put in to a marine fishtank opposed to a freshwater fishtank, especially when its a 150 Gallon Tank. Physically and Finnacially. I know freshwater might be a bit easier to handle.. but Marine fish and Marine creatures in general are just sooo..... I dont know the word... Less Boring? Better? Cooler? Appealing? I love the idea of Live rock and Coral, things you cant have in a freshwater tank, and all the invertebrae! There is just so much oppurtunity and possibilities! But then again I have no real experience with this and I dont know if it is the right way to go. I know freshwater is generally cheaper, and easier to manage... but you catch my drift. Should I take on a huge Marine tank, or should I take on a huge freshwater tank. Either way its a challenge, I am aware of that, But what are all your fishkeeper's opinions?