Huma and Porcupine?


New Member
Hey, I just recently added a clean-up crew to my new 100 gallon. 100lbs live rock, 60 lbs sand, hermit crabs, coral crab, emerald crab, serpant star, snails and 2 yellow tail damsels. I now want to add a huma and a porcupine and possible a maroon clown. So will the huma and porcupine eat my crew. I have been told by the lfs that it would be ok since I do not have any shrimp. Also, If I add these first will I be able to add anything later?


Active Member
The Huma will most likely eat your crabs and snails and may even pick on your porcupine. Puffers and Triggers have been known to not get along.


Active Member
You may want to ask in the aggresive forum as all I have no direct experience and that forum will probably have the answers for what can be kept with a trigger successfully.


ive got a porcupine and a huma huma in my tank now and while the porc doesnt bother the crabs and snails as much the trigger just loves em i bought about 2 dozen snails about a month ago and i think ive got 2 or 3 left now. the two fish get along well but if you want your cleanup crew to do their job then id get some fairly large hermits so they may live longer


I had a porc puffer and a he went on a killing spree, he ate a couple clown fish in a matter of minutes.


My picasso will eat anything I put in the tank that is supposed to clean up. There are a few hermits that have adapted to him and only come out at night to eat. My trates have went from 0 to 7.5 in a month though. Maybe if you buy a whole lot of big ones they will learn to sleep during the day lol. -Alex


Over time the humu and porky will most likely take care of your clean up crew . My humu just recently ate a three stripe damsel that i had in the tank with it. As mentioned above they may not get along. I'd scratch both and put more peaceful fish in.


In one of our holding tanks we have a small humu and a medium sized spiny puffer. Both get along quite well (the trig. only being an inch long.) As far as the "clean-up" crew goes, I'd be very wary of putting these fish together with the inverts. you describe. Good luck!