huma huma actions


So I have a huma huma trigger. First off I gotta say say he is quite the little house keeper in the rank. He has his own little cave and he is always cleaning out the floor of his "cave home", there is a large pile of substrate outside his front door. But he does something that tends to bother me a little bit. He appears healthy, normal breathing, but occasionally I catch him bouncing himself off of rocks once or twice, then he's done, and goes back tio his normal business, like house cleaning. Anyone know why he might b e doing this? Thanks!


Active Member
He may be trying to scratch something off of himself. He may also just be being a Trigger. They are always up to mischevious actions.
What type of fish tank do you have? Fish Only or Fish Only with Live Rock? Do you have a UV Sterilizer? Do you ever see white spots on the fish?


Mine always did the same thing but never had any disease or anything else wrong with him in over 2 years. I finally traded him in when I changed the tank to a reef. Great fish with interesting personalities IMO.


Yes he is in a 55 for now. I inherited a 75 and am in the process of setting it up, fish only. Its a funny thing, the Huma Huma is small, and right now his tank mates are a scooter and a Clown. I was worried he would pick in the clown, but it seems to me that they have become quite freindly with each other. The clown goes where ever the Trigger goes. They never pick on each other. Its kind of neat to watch. The clown does however stay away when the Trigger is landscaping because he tends to spit crushed coral at him!


How long have you had him? The ich spores have a LONG lifecycle. They can show up 30 days after you put him in there....
Now for the no so scary part. I have had triggers that scratch themselves too. No disease, just itchy.
How often do you scratch a part of your body? I bet more often than you realize.
The other thing, something MAY be irritating him a small bit. Electric current, PH being off, nitrates too high...
Good Luck! I love Huma humas...


HMM The only thing you mentioned that could be an issue is the electrical current. NEVER thought of that. And now that i think about it......he only ever scratches his left side. Nervous tick maybe?? He's fine now........landscaping again.........him and my blue leg hermit like to take turns landscaping. Its entertaining!!