Huma Huma Compatiblility


I agree that is small for a humu humu mine would travel the entire lenght of a 100 gallon tank in a split second.


Active Member
If you plan on upgrading your tank to 100 or larger and the Huma Huma is small right now you could keep it in a 55. Before he gets big you need to move it. If not you are just stressing the fish. As far as what goes with them, maybe an eel but I'm not sure.


Active Member
This probably won't make sense to anyone that hasn't raised a Huma, but those that have will know exactly what I mean, a Huma will get along with anything until the day he decides to kill them.

huma huma6

Lets say I got a 100-125 gallon aquarium. What else could I put with him. P.S. He is only around 3 inches and i dont think he is stresses at all. He will be the thing in my aquarium untill I upgrade. He eats out of my hand and everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
This probably won't make sense to anyone that hasn't raised a Huma, but those that have will know exactly what I mean, a Huma will get along with anything until the day he decides to kill them.

Couldn't agree more!!!!!


exactly mine took out 2 puffers a yellow tang and drove a yellow headed morray out of the tank to its death. the had lived together for almost a year before he had his mental break down!!!!!!
Humu Humu are very demented fishes. IMO


Active Member
My 2 inch humu took out a Volitans liona that was 4 times his size. He bit off all his dorsal spines and the clipped off his pectoral fins. VERY sad....


Active Member
My 2" huma was in with my huge volitan , as in 15" long with an 18" fin span. One day the huma darted over and bit the lions throat. He was dead before he hit the bottom. Before that they got along just fine.


Originally Posted by Huma Huma6
He will be the thing in my aquarium untill I upgrade. He eats out of my hand and everything.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
This probably won't make sense to anyone that hasn't raised a Huma, but those that have will know exactly what I mean, a Huma will get along with anything until the day he decides to kill them.
For some reason they seem to just snap and go on a rampage..I'm thinking about trying to find a good home for mine..He is around 3 inches and already starting to show more signs of aggression then he has before..


I was watching tank a couple nights ago when out of the blue my 7" Huma swam over and bite the crap out of my 15" Stars and stripes puffer. The puffer went nuts and darted after the Huma. Never caught him but sure chased him. The puffer gets bite almost every night during feeding time. He seems to heal up real quick. But, I do feel sorry for him. He catches a lot from the Huma & Clown trigger.


Active Member
this is a great thread! my humu is very docile fortunately. i have 3 chromis, a mandarin for a short while, valentini puff, and a couple firefish. all certainly very vulnerable. i introduced the humu well after all of the rest and have a bigger pinktail trigger. the humu just follows it everywhere. it will bite me, nets, magfloats and anything else that is newly introduced to the tank but so far not fish or crabs. fast as fark also, it'll do the entire length of my 8ft in a second. if it jumps it'll probably hit the wall 12ft away!
this is a temporary setup until my other tanks fully cycle btw. so close, so close. hopefully the amount of hiding will work out like it has so far. if not, barebottom and water change city for me ;(


Active Member
Wow, now I am scared, my huma huma is very peacefull, but I am afraid he will freak out one day, hes been in the tank for almost a year now, with no problems.


unfortunatly it seems to be the norm peacful at first then go bonkers for no reason and no hint its going to happen.
They are nice looking fish though.


Active Member
I got him for free too, so I can't complaine, not yet anyways, I will wait till he goes crazy and kills all my other fish.