Huma Huma Compatiblility


i,ve got a 150 with a Huma,rectangale,Bursa,Niger,yellow tang Clown Trigger 2 Perculas & a Maroon clown, 2 damsels & they get along just great.I have a LOT of dead coral HUGE pieces of table coral & cup coral,blue ridge & purple in the tank for some great hide & go seek fun!! Nobody messes with nobody(yet)


I only have trouble at feeding time... The Triggers get very aggressive and bite at other fish. But other than that. They get along.


I personally wouln't get a huma. Not only shouldn't it be the first fish, it should be the last fish you should add. I had a huma in my 55g for about 3 months and he killed off:
1 Yellowwatchman goby
2 Damsels
1 Dwarf Lionfish
1 Dianas Hogfish
1 Porcupine Puffer
1 Harlequin Tuskfish
Until I finally said "thats it" and gave it to the pet store.
I will never get one again. They are beautiful fish and have tons and tons of personality.


I wouldn't worry to much about it... You have a nice size tank for him to hang out in. I would worry more if you said you had a 3 stripe damsel. I've lost more fish to a 3 stripe damsel than any other aggressive fish I've owned. He has stressed to death more live stock in my 175 tank than any other fish by far. I couldn't catch him in all those caves of live rock. I called him Osama Bin 3 stripe. He's personally responsible for at least 1000 dollars in lost live stock through stressing them to death. He was relentless with his attacks and nipping. My Humma is mainly peaceful. Except during feeding time when there is competition for food. He will fight for it. But most fish just stay out of his way and I put enough in for everyone to get some.


Originally Posted by BILLYG
i,ve got a 150 with a Huma,rectangale,Bursa,Niger,yellow tang Clown Trigger 2 Perculas & a Maroon clown, 2 damsels & they get along just great.I have a LOT of dead coral HUGE pieces of table coral & cup coral,blue ridge & purple in the tank for some great hide & go seek fun!! Nobody messes with nobody(yet)
this an accidant waiting to happen :scared:


Ive had my humu humu kill a good amount of fish, and up until recently he was the only thing in my 150 gal
I think the problem was adding fish that were smaller then him
But last weekend, i picked up a porc puffer thats probably 2x his size, turned off the lights and re-arranged the rocks to try to throw the humu humu off
So far they havent bothered each other much, usually only comes down to the last bit of food, but the porc puffer is a pig, so he usually gets it




Originally Posted by surfinusa
this an accidant waiting to happen :scared:
Thanx for the heads up I,ll see what happens,Today I just put in a 5"- 6" NASO TANG to this circus :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by MartynA
Ive had my humu humu kill a good amount of fish, and up until recently he was the only thing in my 150 gal
I think the problem was adding fish that were smaller then him
My 2" Huma was way smaller than my 15" Volitan.


Active Member
Originally Posted by xDave
This probably won't make sense to anyone that hasn't raised a Huma, but those that have will know exactly what I mean, a Huma will get along with anything until the day he decides to kill them.
excactly..this fish needs to stay in the will hear many success stories about this particular fish but then you will eventually hear the same people cry over the deaths of all other fish due to this so called success..just because its fine now doesnt mean it will be forever.this is the pit bull of fish


A humu humu almost bit me snorkeling in hawaii last summer. He wouldn't let me swim past his part of the reef.


New Member
What about puting a panther grouper in with a huma huma? the grouper is a little smaller than the huma huma


Active Member
Originally Posted by warrior94
What about puting a panther grouper in with a huma huma? the grouper is a little smaller than the huma huma
any fish that is placed with a huma is at risk..i highly suggest doing some more extencive research on the species it is said to be fine one day with tank mates and could be for yrs but then they just snap and kill everything in the tank.this is recorded in alot of the books we buy as hobbiest .i once had a huma trigger a few yrs back and once i read this i was not abou to take the risk mine was a perfect gentleman for as long as i owned him but yet i took him back to the LFS. he was not worth risking the lifes of all of my other fish. this is a choise you have to make is this one fish worth losing everything you plqace in the tank later on down the line? if so then you can keep with anything you want ,but if not return him or dont buy him at all.


Active Member
the reef won't eat them, i swear.

this last week my hum took out two chromis and every farkin snail i have. that guy is definitely getting his own tank when water parameters stabilize. :mad:


Active Member
Originally Posted by warrior94
What about puting a panther grouper in with a huma huma? the grouper is a little smaller than the huma huma

I would never recommend a panther grouper and IMO it is nearly criminal the way they are sold at the LFS. They are tiny little cuties...and rarely do they tell you that they will outgrow nearly every hobbyist system...and they grow addition to the fact that they are very unlikely to take them back in trade when they do grow.


I was told they were reef safe and a community fish. That's why I consult this website :happyfish


Originally Posted by ophiura
I would never recommend a panther grouper and IMO it is nearly criminal the way they are sold at the LFS. They are tiny little cuties...and rarely do they tell you that they will outgrow nearly every hobbyist system...and they grow addition to the fact that they are very unlikely to take them back in trade when they do grow.
i agree with you my lfs has a ton of these, and they also loose a lot of color. they turn a brownish color from what i have heard.