huma huma trigger


it is my right to infuse my opinion and it will not change i have frozen silversides and feed them to fish in my reef so not to indtroduce any parasites using feeder fish..on the other hand in my other tanks i use a huge amount of feeder fish as per directions from reputable sites..and from any LFS i have been I said the few minorities on here that are acivists are entitles to their opinions i chose and refuse to listen and thats my right. ccambpbell calling me a 5 year old and whatver garbage u mentioned about a foam helmet and calling me a troll is not going to help you chose your words wisely as your breaking about 10 rules per post calling ppl out and calling other members names is considered a violation.


Originally Posted by SH2000
did any one mention that two the OP or the people who postd multiple threads about feeding live feeder fish.. no..good don't open my threads your advice is not needed.
You needed my advice when you did not know what a freshwater dip was, and I prevented you from destroying 50 lbs of LR. It is odd that you did not know what a FW dip was considering you have been running numerous tanks for many years. You are isolating yourself from the posters on this board due to your attitude and you seem to revel in this fact which leads me to believe that you are in fact a troll as stated earlier.
I apologize to the original poster as your thread has gone off on a tangent.


Active Member
Did you mean "CHOOSE" or "CHOSE" as in the past tense? You successfully missused your word in 2 consecutive sentances. Way to go!
BTW...never called you a name. You are a troll. You are here to do one thing...get people upset. I have NEVER in my 30 years seen anyone like you. You ask advise, people tell you one thing and you reply with "well it is my opinion and I will do what I want. I dont want your advise anyway."
Also, have you ever seen an aquarium use live feeders for their fish?????? No...oh thats right they know what they are doing, but they dont know anything cause the LFS in Deal New Jersey knows all!


Originally Posted by SH2000
it is my right to infuse my opinion and it will not change i have frozen silversides and feed them to fish in my reef so not to indtroduce any parasites using feeder fish..on the other hand in my other tanks i use a huge amount of feeder fish as per directions from reputable sites..and from any LFS i have been I said the few minorities on here that are acivists are entitles to their opinions i chose and refuse to listen and thats my right. ccambpbell calling me a 5 year old and whatver garbage u mentioned about a foam helmet and calling me a troll is not going to help you chose your words wisely as your breaking about 10 rules per post calling ppl out and calling other members names is considered a violation.

It's impossible to introduce parasites using freshwater feeders in saltwater tanks- just so ya know. Parasites in fresh don't live in saltwater and vice versa thus the reasoning behind freshwater dips for saltwater fish and saltwater dips for freshwater fish.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Slack - your intention with your fish is not the same as others. I have killers in my tank, but I dont want them to kill each other. I dont like it when my fish have missing fins or other parts. I choose to feed them their requried diet and enjoy watching them as a community.
As I have said to you in many PM's you are setting yourself up for a huge war. I know that is what you want. I applaud you for doing what you want and not shoving your thoughts down other people's throats like SH2000.
I will advise that as you add more fish into your tank it is like adding another bullet to the chamber. Eventually all will be full and destruction is inevitable.
probley gonna not add any more fish a queen trigg and thats it that will give me 12 triggers!! i think!! just got a black hawiian hes 7" and a sissy and yea some r missin finz just the pork puffer and lepard eel a kind of gettin but kicked but every one else is a o.k levelz r all good 2 honestly it s not that bad hidin placez 4 all


Active Member
I would highly suggest against the Queen trigger. Please for the sake of the fish, dont add that one into your already over-stuffed tank.


Originally Posted by 2batrigger
It's impossible to introduce parasites using freshwater feeders in saltwater tanks- just so ya know. Parasites in fresh don't live in saltwater and vice versa thus the reasoning behind freshwater dips for saltwater fish and saltwater dips for freshwater fish.
agree parasites from fresh water feederz die in salt water


Active Member
Just be aware that when you put that Queen trigger in there and she gets comfortable, she will use all your other fish as live feeders.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
I would highly suggest against the Queen trigger. Please for the sake of the fish, dont add that one into your already over-stuffed tank.
over stuffed almoststill got room gonna get rid of panther grouper he eatz like 10 minowz a day !!!what a pig


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Just be aware that when you put that Queen trigger in there and she gets comfortable, she will use all your other fish as live feeders.
that what u guyz say aboutz the undletes damm i have 2 of embigg and little i just get a 3 "1 and she b fine the other fish will out grow her


Active Member
Slack are you kidding? Tell me you are just pulling our legs here because what you are saying makes no sense.
You dont have any room left. Your triggers will all be HUGE soon. My 9" crosshatch by itself is too big for my 180.
Adding any fish into your tank is HIGHLY ill-advised.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Just be aware that when you put that Queen trigger in there and she gets comfortable, she will use all your other fish as live feeders.
ill let u no when i get 1. im lookin so a matter of time. i just like aggression and hell whatz 40 $$ nuttin.wood b funny 2 of my friendz bought another undy put it my fish tank it lasted 1 day. he wasted his money .it was 2 little and it dident even try. one of the nigerz was slammin up against the rockz but the bigg undy did him in was a weak hearted fish..i have no use 4 the weak


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Slack are you kidding? Tell me you are just pulling our legs here because what you are saying makes no sense.
You dont have any room left. Your triggers will all be HUGE soon. My 9" crosshatch by itself is too big for my 180.
Adding any fish into your tank is HIGHLY ill-advised.
buy summer time ill have a new tank 500 gal i gotta go back 2 werk 2 buy 1 lol


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
Slack are you kidding? Tell me you are just pulling our legs here because what you are saying makes no sense.
You dont have any room left. Your triggers will all be HUGE soon. My 9" crosshatch by itself is too big for my 180.
Adding any fish into your tank is HIGHLY ill-advised.
and u said b 4 feederz have no food value (like chee-tiez)lol how the grow so much?


Active Member
That upsets me Slackjawed. I can't sit back and think of what it was like for the fish.
It sickens me to think that you get enjoyment out of the suffering of animals. I am by no means an animal rights activist, but that is torchure in my mind.
Feel free to waste your money, but it does not amuse me or the majority of the people of this board to hear what you are saying.


Originally Posted by ccampbell57
That upsets me Slackjawed. I can't sit back and think of what it was like for the fish.
It sickens me to think that you get enjoyment out of the suffering of animals. I am by no means an animal rights activist, but that is torchure in my mind.
Feel free to waste your money, but it does not amuse me or the majority of the people of this board to hear what you are saying.
like a prisoN!!! what is the differance between in a pet store in a 12x12 x12 square.... nothin..we all torchure im sure u fish wood rather b in the ocean right?im just doin it a little differnt