Huma Huma trigger?


New Member
I have recently purchased a small huma trigger that is about 1.5 inches long. I was wondering how big it will grow and if he is okay in my 50 gallon setup. Any information on these fish would be appreciated. thank you
what is with the trigger? id say a 50 should be ok , they get about 9 inches, and love all kinds of foods, and normally arnt as aggressive as there or family members and sorta socialable well for a trigger anyways


New Member
well i am not bein a spoiled sport but a 1.5 inch (snout-base of tail) means he is maybe a year old 10-12 to be more acurate pretty juv... I have had a trigger in a 20 i bought it at 1 inch he is now 4 in and he is 4 years old. In a 125.. They are awsome but if you wish to add any non aggresive species do it now... or if not when you add any species please make sure to have some maracyn/maroxy to treat the wounds.He is a vicious little sucker and will attack anything that gets in his territory... I wanted to add another trigger a niger a more dominate species needless to say my picasso said I am boss and you are toast...
Ohh one more thing on your purchuase... You will notice as time goes on that his dorsal fin will look infected or deteriorated it is perfectly normal.... It happens from there habit of latchin on rocks... when he sleeps.


i have a 4 inch huma huma trigger, he loves dried plankton and shrimp, he is a MESSy eater, he chews some food p and spits it back out. i love him though.. =)