They are agressive fish that gets to about 9". The eat just about anything but particularly meaty foods. You should have at minimum a 75 gallon tank long term. Pros are that they are hardy, great personality, eats just about anything. Cons, aggressive, not reef or invert safe.
i got one very tuff he was a dazed when the ups man gave him to me and i thought he wasn't going to make it but pulled through and eats whatever goes in the tank
Originally posted by calem
what do u usualy feed it
Krill, silversides, prawn, brine shrimp, mysis shrimp, like I said they eat just about anything you put in tank.
Mine is great. I love him. You can't keep snails or hermits. The only thing that he hasn't bothered yet is my brittile star. I guess the spines scare him. Also.......make sure your rock work it secure!!! Can't stress that enough....mine is always digging holes in the sand under the rocks...I don't know if its a nesting instinct or what....but i can be a pain to come home and not be able to see from one end of the tank to the other because of the massive sand clouds that Harvey has caused!!
I had to laugh...will eat anything......That is SO true........and they smack when they eat too!! Mine has not bothered my snails......yet........ But he does love to eat whatever I put in the tank. Mainly meaty foods or flakes or occasionally will accidentally "nip" my finger. I adore him!!!!
One time I put my finger in tank for a test nip which I've done before. But this time it hurt so bad that I quickly pull my hand out of tank on instinct and the trigger went flying! Needless to say I put him back right away and he's been fine till this day.