Hump Day 6pack + 1


Active Member
That was my fat fingered attempt at spelling t_a_N_g. Sorry if that was confusing. I get your comment now, about "grooming". Lion 'splained it to me.


Active Member
Spiriluna flakes as well. This is also algae that tangs eat. (She seems to like it ) Do you recommend any other foods? I assume you've kept tangs. :help:


Active Member
Yes, I recommend feeding a tang a wide variety of food. I would definitely get some meat in her diet. Some mysis shrimp or some krill will do your tang a lot of good. Keep a varied diet with 3 or 4 foods that you can rotate so your tang does not get head and lateral line erosion.
I feed my tang frozen kelp, nori (which is similiar to seaweed), spirulina, krill, Formula A, enriched brine shrimp, and enriched blood worms.


Active Member
Hey lion!
We went by the LFS today. We got some "emerald cuisine" for the tang. Turns out it has mysis, krill and spirulina in it. THere is a bunch of other stuff in there too. Unleashed says he uses this for his tang on another thread. The pseudochromis and the clowns were diggin on this stuff as well!

I will keep an eye out for some of the other tang friendly foods and try to get more of a variety.
SIde note: THat "scalpel" on the yellow tang is real small, but I'll bet it hurts just the same. SHe has been kinda slapping at her reflection on the glass every now and then. She uses the back part of her body, like she is trying to "operate" on someone. :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farmboy
Hey lion!
We went by the LFS today. We got some "emerald cuisine" for the tang. Turns out it has mysis, krill and spirulina in it. THere is a bunch of other stuff in there too. Unleashed says he uses this for his tang on another thread. The pseudochromis and the clowns were diggin on this stuff as well!

That sounds great. I like the emerald cuisine a lot. I also really like Formula One and Two. It is the same thing, with a wide mix of variety made specifically for fish that need a varied diet.


Active Member
Thanks Ace!
I'll try to keep my distance from the KILLER tang, Bronc.

Hey lion, who makes formula 1 and 2? Are these frozen foods?