Humu and other fish


Ok am really knew to the saltwater part of keeping fish but in the next few weeks am going to be getting my tank and what not. I hear that Humus do good in 75 gallon tanks so is that a good size or smaller ? I cant go to big my dad is getting kinda pissy for the fact I know have 5 tanks in the house and am adding yet another tank (I think hes already trying to find me a place to move out to lol). But also I was wondering what are good fish to keep with the Humu Humu? Ive herd so many diffrent storys from diffrent people that you cant keep other fish with Humus and you can. Ive been intrested in getting a puffer or a snowflake eel. Im kinda limited to what kinda fish I can get to witch sucks cause I havent found a LFS around here that I think is worth shopping at due to the way I see how they treat there fish. But any more info any one has on this fish good or bad would be great. Thanks every one!


i have a purple tang 1 devil damsel a wrasse and a zebra eel and all are fine with my hummu who is the wildest by far of them all beware of your fingers he thinks mine are big shrimps


My huma huma is fine with other fish. I have a powder blue tang, rainbow wrasse, tomato clow, percula clown and a hawain saddle puffer. I do have the same problem with him attacking my fingers though. He even bits my forearm when my whole arm is in there cleaning the tank.