Humu Humu from HELL


Active Member
OK, so I've had my humu trigger for about 2 years now. He's about 3 inches long. A few weeks ago he and my blue throat trigger started tearing up my lionfish to the point where I had to HUMANELY kill the lion. Now, last night I noticed that he is nipping at the spines on my Striped Burrfish. I am at a loss. This guy is my favorite fish. He and the lion were my first 2 fish when I started keeping salties and now he's just GOT to go. Anyone else see a fish turn aggressive all of a sudden like that? It almost seems that now that he knows that he can take on something bigger than him thats all he wants to do.


Well, if you read on this forum about triggers, that is just the enevitable according to most. We have 3 triggers and have tanks ready for when one of ours turns into the "trigger from hell". It will probably be our Undy. It's just the way nature is. Sometimes you get one that will be great forever, sometimes............. :scared: you wake up one morning and....well............ you know the rest. I am sorry to hear about your fish though. Maybe you can put the Humu in his own tank? ........Peace


Yeah, my HUMA HUMA is a maniac too, he helped my dog faced puffer eat two clown fish i had, sorry bout your fish, i've been thinking about trading mine too, but he's sooo cool and i don't want to let him go,


Strange at a tiny 3" the attitude is so strong, and he really hasn't grown much on you. Ours grew within a couple months, unless you got him at 1"


Active Member
Originally Posted by Titan
Strange at a tiny 3" the attitude is so strong, and he really hasn't grown much on you. Ours grew within a couple months, unless you got him at 1"
He was about an inch and a half when I got him. I've read from other people that they can turn like that. I was just surprised to see it happen so quickly. It was really the most mild fish for so long.


Active Member
huma triggers are very well known for the aggressive behavior,they can be fine and on good behavior for a very long time and one day you wake up to find all if its fish mates ripped apart only the trigger to survive. with this bahavior you have to make the choice now do you want to end up with one fish for good in your tank or do you want a few different fish to look at .humas are very large fish as adults are you willing to rish 100's + dollars in losses to this one fish? i would remove him asap .I understand how you feel I once had to make this choice also. once i realized the rest of my tank could have been in danger to this one fish majority ruled i took him back to the lfs before I had any losses from him.I wont own any triggers now . i also had a niger trigger 3-4 inches that harrassed my lion my lion got fed up and nailed him withing 10 min the trigger was completly parelized on the bottom of my tank then i had to remove him due to my lunear wrasse attacking him and he could not get away he was gone in less than an hr.due to paralisis.


Active Member
I know what I have to do. I am calling my LFS tonight to see if I can get him over there this weekend.


Thats a shame. I had mine 3 years before tragedy struck. He never messed with any other fish........snails. hermits and shrimp were another story, but he used to share a home with one of my clowns, He was a happy fish. He wedged himself behind my overflow box one afternoon during a water change and was out of water for 15 minutes. He usually always hid in his tunnel so I never thought to look for him. It was just his place to hide when I did a change, freak change of mind for him ended far as being mean......never. He did like to make my tank a cloudy mess every so often.


My humu is about 5" long. Still very peaceful. I've had this guy for about a year and havent noticed much if any growth. What is everyone elses experience with the growth rate of the humu's? How long does it take for them to get full grown?
I heard from one source that they should grow a few inches a year and heard from another that they will grow super slow.


New Member
i know what you guys are saying. we have a rectangular and a niger and an undulated trigger and man they are mean. the undy and retangular tore apart our porkypine puffer and ate my 6 line wrassy and killed our blennie it sucks but it sure is fun to put minows in there