humu humu not so goodu goodu


So i'm doing QT for the first time, tank is finally cycled, and I bought a humu humu on Sunday. His color was great, he was swimming great and ate like a pig. I came home yesterday o find the AC not one and the tank temp was 86 degrees. So i did a quick 5 gal water change and turned off the temp. This morning the tank temp was 76 and he looks like someone "erased" some of his color in areas. He's breathing fast also. I left his light off and made sure the AC was he stressed??? any ideas???...
tanks specs:
40 gal QT
temp. 76
spec grav. 1.23
amm. 0
nitrates 20
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
penguin filter
i'm at work, wil get a picture at lunch time


He is likely stressed from the ten degree temperature drop overnight. They will fade in color or get faded patches from stress. Get the temp stable. Let us know how he is looking when you get home.


He ate tonight, temp is still 76ish, his color is still the same, faded in some spots. I can't get a pic of him, he just won't hold still for me...... my husband also treated him with some novaqua.... hopefully that won't make it any worse....we'll see how he does .....


Originally Posted by vkuroczka
So i'm doing QT for the first time, tank is finally cycled, and I bought a humu humu on Sunday. His color was great, he was swimming great and ate like a pig. I came home yesterday o find the AC not one and the tank temp was 86 degrees. So i did a quick 5 gal water change and turned off the temp. This morning the tank temp was 76 and he looks like someone "erased" some of his color in areas. He's breathing fast also. I left his light off and made sure the AC was he stressed??? any ideas???...
tanks specs:
40 gal QT
temp. 76
spec grav. 1.23
amm. 0
nitrates 20
nitrites 0
ph 8.2
penguin filter
i'm at work, wil get a picture at lunch time

wow yea thats a big temp difference, if this happens again just leave your heater on in the tank and set it a few degrees lower then start lowering the temp, but the heater wont let it get past a certain point, only do like 2-3 degrees at a time...just make sure the temp stays right now and he should be trigger has been in a tank over 80 and was fine but I gradually brought it down, it stays at about 78 in the summer, sometimes I open the glass lid while im home..Hope he starts doing better!!


Originally Posted by vkuroczka
He ate tonight, temp is still 76ish, his color is still the same, faded in some spots. I can't get a pic of him, he just won't hold still for me...... my husband also treated him with some novaqua.... hopefully that won't make it any worse....we'll see how he does .....
If he is swimming so quickly that you cannot get a pic then he should be just fine. I am glad he is eating! That is a great sign. As mentioned, never just pull the heater. Open the hood and add fans. Bring it down slowly. Let us know how he does