Humu Humu Trigger


So I just got a new humu humu trigger fish in my tank and after about a day he's killed my clown and probably my firefish and alge blenny so basically it killed everything but my hermit crabs snails and brittle star. My question is what fish should I put in the tank that it won't attack and that will be compatible with?


You should go with aggressive fish along with your huma huma. Pretty much any trigger will be okay. You could also have pretty much any grouper (tank size permitting) and most puffers and wrasses as long as they are as large as the huma huma or larger. Most angels would be ok if they are big enough also. An eel would also be a suitable tankmate. There are others that may be alright, but sometimes it comes down to the personality of the individual fish. Possibilities could also be tangs, damsels or certain tougher clowns (ie. tomato) but these may be a crapshoot. Good luck.


Active Member
Say goodbye to your snails/hermits/and maybe your bristle star. Triggers are very good at getting inside shells to get dinner. What size tank do you have?


Depending on the personality of the Humu, everything could be fair game. It is only a matter of time before he starts messing with your hermits and snails. I don't really know if they like starfish, but I'm sure he'll taste him to find out.
A good question is how large is your Humu Trigger? This will determine what tankmates are best suited for him right now. Eels are nice to have with Humu's, but the Humu can fall prey to some eels. I have a SFE that has claimed 3 small triggers due to their precarious sleeping habits.
It sounds like you have a rather aggressive humu which will limit your choice of tankmates. I would look into a larger angelfish that can hold it's own like a Emperor (make sure he's bigger than the picasso), maybe a Zebra Moray Eel, larger wrasses like a Lunar, groupers (the small species), or perhaps a tang.
Hope this helps :)


Wow. I have a humu, and he is pretty peaceful. I have a yellow tang, ocellaris clown, striped damsel and I used to have a lion, and he hasn't touched anyone. The clown and damsel are less than half his size too. I'm surprised he hasn't gone for the only ones you say is left! I had 2 baby starfish that grew from my live rock, and as soon as I put him in there, I have never seen those two guys again. That was when I first got him.


I have a Porc Puffer, lion, and a perc clown with my picaso.
They all get along, and the only time he seems overly aggresive is during feedings.
He will actully pock and pull food out of the puffers mouth, he tried it with the lion, but the lion was a little less forgiving.
I think it varies between individual fish personalities a lot...........