Humu Humu Trigger


Ok I got my First Humu yesterday so heres my? HE hides every time I go by the tank
And how long does it took before they will eat ?


he will come out in 2-3 days i have a huma to i had it for 1 year 8 months it a good boy i love him
he is just shy he'll come out its a trigger remember move th food around in the top of the water so you can see him eat by some feeder fish its cool


In the evening, try turning off all lights in the room, but leave the tank lights on. He'll probably come out then.
After a few days or so, he'll be all over the place, but still likely hide when he sees someone. He'll get bolder all the time, especially when he starts associating you with food.


Prepare for the Huma invasion, from my experience witha huma he's not only going to come out from hiding but he will own that tank, try not to feed him live fresh water feeder fish, it cause them to be more aggressive cause they have to catch it and fw fish can cause sw fish fatty liver disease.


i didnt know than i will try not to feed him anymore live fish but i nice to see some aggressiveness sometimes.


Ok guys He came out today , but still not to active or eating yet . Whats good to feed him ? He's about 3" in size . The LFS store told me Krill and Mysis Thanks again ....


feeder fish are very bad for saltwater fish. they are bad for any fish.
Your trigger should be fed squid clams muscles shrimp cockle anything that fresh and sea food . don't use brine as a food source it lacks nutrition


We put our Picasso and Pinktail in at the same time, then a couple months later, the Undy. The Pink hid for a day, the Picasso swam around like nothing ever happened. He is the only one in the tank with an "I don't give a sh** attitude. He just swims around and EATS. The Undy is skiddish and swims from cave to cave and torments the crabs. The Pink likes to pick up everything and carry it all over the tank (125) They are some amusing fish aren't they

We feed ours krill and large sinking pellets, (and now little bitty hermits (Undy only)
Not really, the Picasso is the only one that hasn't harrassed the crabs.
Isn't it weird how they are different? Kind of like "mean" dogs, it all depends on who raises them and how much instinct will kick in later, sometimes they kick in, sometimes they don't. I know we just take our chances, and have another tank ready to remove the menace