HumuHumu-Lei (Lei Trigger Pic inclosed)


Has anyone had expierence with a Humuhumu-Lei (Lei Trigger) scientific name Sufflamen Bursa, I have been told I can get one for my aquarium, but have not heard from anyone who has actually had one in their tank....
I was diving in Hawaii and these guys were so playfull and fun, Since I don't have much in my tank I was thinking about getting a smaller one and some harder corals to remind me of my trip. I have seen them with both Orange and Black stripes, but the ones with Black stripes seemed to be more sociable
anyways here is the pic @ about 40 ft


i had a picasso trigger in my tank. he would swim back and forth across the tank all day long.


Active Member
i wonder why it is that sometimes triggers will get stuck in modes where they do laps around the tank. i always though this behavior was pecuilar!
good luck


hey alti.... did you have corals with your trigger, if so what type? and yeah I have seen that behavior with the triggers at the LFS they told me it had something to do with defining territory


How long could I keep a baby trigger in a 45 Gal tank, (3 feet long by 18 inches wide) before I would have to upgrade?


I wouldnt reccommend putting a Trigger in a tank with corals / inverts. I currently have one in my tank and will be selling it back to my LFS tomorrow. Although Triggers are very nice looking fish... They pick on corals and kill inverts they are also very agressive and territorial. You should reconsider putting corals in your tank if you go with the trigger, they will cost you a lot of money


It depends on how fast he grows... I am planning on getting a very small one from my fish store, but He will be the last one added to my tank since I have head they are more territorial than a CBS.


Hmm I have heard they will nip at softer corals... wich is why I was thinking of going to harder corals when I decide to start putting the tank togeather. What I was really thinking of doing was more or less recreating a hawaiian reef.... even though I really enjoy the triggers, he is not part of my set plans yet, which is why I am asking these questions first.


i sold my triggers because it was a constant struggle to keep the nitrates down. i had a niger and a picasso. they did not bother any corals, but loved to pluck my snails off the glass. these fish are just too big and active for a reef tank. they knock things over and brush against corals. im very sad that they are gone, but i dont think i would be able to keep a successful reef with them in the tank. if i were you id pass on the trigger. it may work for a while, but there is nothing worse than having to part with a fish that you've become attatched to.