Hundreds of tiny bugs on outside of tank!



Since about a week now I've been wiping off what I thought was dust on the outside of my tank. But everyday it keeps returning. I closly watched a few of the white spots and noticed they all move!
One some areas like on the top of my biocube canopy, they clump together in groups. What the heck are these critters and how can I get rid of them? I only use paper towel so far to wipe them off, since I don't want to start messing with chemicals, I crashed my tank once before. They are so tiny I really can't see what they look like, I just see white dots moving. Every spot you see in the pic is a bug.


I myself have never herd of this. At first I thought you were talking about "IN" side your tank. I did do a little search and the only thing I saw was it could possibly be aphids?
But aphids live on plants. Do you have any plants in the house? IDK Maybe some one else will have some ideas.


Active Member
wait, there outside your tank? wow, if there outside then im not shure it has anything to do with the tank, someone correct me if im wrong


I came across aphids as well, but it doesn't make any sense. It's hard to tell but I think my critters are alot smaller than aphids. I don't know what possible food source there is on the outside of the tank? Only thing I can think of maybe they are attracted to the light. There's no plants even close to the tank. I'll check the glass at nights to see if they go away or not.
Originally Posted by abeandlulu
I myself have never herd of this. At first I thought you were talking about "IN" side your tank. I did do a little search and the only thing I saw was it could possibly be aphids?
But aphids live on plants. Do you have any plants in the house? IDK Maybe some one else will have some ideas.


No complaints here... the last thing I want are these things taking over my living room.
Originally Posted by therevenger511


Well-Known Member

I don't have any idea what they are either, I would take a rag or sponge and soak it in bleach and wipe the outside of the tank and let it sit all night and rinse it the next morning. They should die off or go away. As long as you don't spray the tank you can clean it with Windex or the like. Just spray into a paper towel away from the tank, have one to wipe and a dry one to dry it off. It won't hurt your tank.

bang guy

They sound like Mealy Bugs or some other indoor plant pest. Check your nearby houseplants for an infestation. Wiping your tank glass with undiluted vinegar will help.


What I thought to be hundreds turned into thousands, no exagerating. All this time I thought it was just regular dust. They were all over inside and out of the tank cabinet as well. I THINK they were getting at the can of powder Cyclopeze inside the cabinet as the can was coated with them. Anyway I wiped the cabinet inside out with clorox wipes, also the outer glass. Fingers crossed they won't come back..


Clorox wipes would not have been my choice to wipe the glass with. You would have been much better off with vinegar as Bang Guy had recommended. Definitely sounds like some sort of indoor house plant sort of pest, my best guess would be white flies. Google image search them, there's some good pictures. Anyways, you must locate the source (which you may have with the Cyclopeez) or they'll keep coming back. They're probably hanging out around your tank and the hood because of the light and the warmth, as well as the added moisture produced by an aquarium.
Good luck!