hungry tang?


I have a yellow tang for about 6 months now and its color is great, activity is great and no problems like that. However, when I look at him he has a pinched in area right above the caudal fins (i believe this is the name, the fins on the bottom). I don't understand what the problem is. I feed him well, using green and brown seaweed selects, frozen formula 2, flake prime reef, and flake formula 2. He eats everything aggresively except the frozen since he has a really small mouth and has trouble with even small pieces, won't even eat pellet, which I tried to get him protein but that didn't work.
Anyway, I feed him seaweed selects 2-3 times a week, and after he eats it the area gets smaller, but the next day it is back again. How do I fatten my yellow tang up? The other 2 fish are fine.


New Member
I feed my yellow tang flakes, frozen brine shrimp w/spirulina, and some of the green algae. Mine eats like a beast too. With the frozen, I thaw the shrimp in a small cup and feed him in that way. He devours the shrimp and gets bigger. Hope this helps some.


a few weeks ago I was reading a rather large post on this exact question about a yellow tang that had a sunk in abdomin. Do a search for past threads. I will try to find it. I don't remember any of the people who were in it. matt

who dey

Active Member
Our tang is eating anything and everything!! He is keeping our tang very clean by eating all our algea and anything growing. Even picking off the back of the glass cleaning it.