Hurricane and natural disaster Checklist!!!


During Katrina I ran my Generator for almost 5 weeks I put a small window AC next to the tank (great chiller) and run the Generator 24/7 for 5 straight weeks we used about 12 gallons of gas a day (the trips to Florida where fun to get gas). I only lost a diamond gobbie the did a carpet dive the night of the hurricane and that was it. BTW get the little battery pack air pumps they work for 2 day without batteries. I really think they saved everyone. Get lots of Beer and Crown. I know I needed it. And last but not least get the F#$K OUT! I didn’t and it scared the Sh!T out of me. Good luck this season, Rick


Active Member
I stayed during charlie and katrina. Charlie hit 20 miles from my home, but we only lost power for a few days. During katrina, we had a generator, and ran it 24 hrs a day. it ran my tank, and fridge, and fans. didnt loose anythng. we are building a new house and will be installing a whole house system


Luckily, I prepared for hurricane Isabel… I ran my new 6500w Generator for about 2 weeks straight 24/7. I also put a small 8500 BTU AC unit in the window of our bedroom. I got that from Lowe’s just before the storm hit. Cause after the storm it was 94-96 and humid as hell. We used about 15 gallons of gas a day in the generator. Luckily, I had a boat with a 150 gallons of fuel in it to siphon off of. After 2-3 days things started to get real bad cause people were looking for gas and generators. Gas wasn’t available for 7 days around here. Peoples generators were out of gas after 2 days. So, the thief’s came out at night and started to steal fuel from cars. This was a funny trick. thief’s were going in peoples sheds around 2am in the morning pulling out their lawn mowers while they slept…starting them up then cutting off the generators and steeling them. Needless to say a lock and anchor chain was on mine. I personally lost nothing…. I did change the oil on the generator every 50 hours. (I luckily had a case on hand for my lawn mowers) Every 3rd day. So keep a case of 30 wt oil on hand for good measure. I sold the generator and have a new one now waiting. Even though the generator was only a few months old… It saw around 400 hard hours. I did panic one time when the generator cut off out of the blue…. The low oil warning switch went bad and wouldn’t let the generator restart. Luckily my neighbor diagnosed it within a couple hours of tinkering .Whew!. Almost made me want a back up generator for the generator. LOL