hurricane katrina


Active Member
I got me a good P'd Off going over "race hustling poverty pimps" (I love that term) that are trying to score points over this. Funny how nearly all the attention and the majority of the federal aid has been concentrated on NO which happens to be a majority of black people. You see the people in the outlaying areas that are complaining about no FEMA presence and they are nearly all white. Sorta blows the racial element out of the tub but that doesn't keep Rev. Jesse "Give my boys Budweiser distributorships and I'll say your diversified" Jackson and Rev. Al "Them mean white cops smeared doo doo all over poor Twanna Brawley" Sharpton from running their mouths. Perhaps the fact that so many in the black community see these 2 hustlers are "leaders" is the best evidence to date of the lack of decent education opportunities in the inner cities.


Active Member
I beleive Bush has admitted the federal government made mistake as did the govenrnor of LA and mayor of New Orleans.
Bush took the lead and admitted the feds reaction could have been better and accepted responsibility.
I have been critical of his initial response as well as the overall federal initial repsonse. The president and feds have now stepped up to the plate and are doing great.
Many presidents were governors before becoming president...wasn't Carter and Clinton governors?
Again and for the was the CLINTON administration that failed to approve the Coastline 2050 project in 1998.
You can try and politicize this but the facts dictate both partieds were in power iand gnored the danger and risk of what happened in New Orlenas....not just in 1998 and not just the republicans or democrats...both!
Yes, our friends in MS and AL coast have been ignored and have not received much air time.
Try and bring some legitmate documetation to the debate to support your srong position. if you have nothing more than name calling ...please take it to Michael Moore's website.....the truth and fact is often distorted there...where no one lies...but they are just wreckless with the truth.


Originally Posted by Fuax
Very interesting comment. Darth Tang may not want to stoop to your level so I will give it a try though I don't think I can stoop that low.
How much sooner would you have liked him to have people there considering it only took a day and 1/2 to get things in postition and rolling. I quess you have forgotten about the warnings he gave both the gov. and mayor 2 DAYS prior to the hurricane making land fall that where not listen to till it was too late.
And as for the disrespect you show for PRESIDENT BUSH it just shows how much disrepect you have for this country. It amazes me that even though PRESIDENT CLINTON was not liked by many republicans he was never disrespected the way PRESIDENT BUSH has been.
Do yourself a favor look at the history of this country and tell me how many presidents have had as much put on to their plates as PRESIDENT BUSH HAS. He's not perfect no one is but lets stop playing the blame game.
Im not the president , but if i was i sure would have been sending people out of the state on the day they were warned , most opf these people dont have cars , what are they going to walk??? that would do alot of good , get them to the airport and fly them out( it wiould have saved a lot of lives ,
And another thing I wasnt bashing bush , I was simply stating that MR bush doesnt do well uder pressure .......... and ........ it seems like you cant hjandle the truth ,,,,, ..... well heres some more truth for you ,,,,, your president and my MR , has built everything that has been put on his plate , and as for your moronic ass saying that i have no respect for this country , your a

fool , iserved the military have yiou??? you morionic ---- ,,,, hey by the way your welcome for going to iraq , and fighting for a cause tyhat has no purpose , i have about 50 friends that are dead because of this .......... Sure i hate bish , but that didnt stop me from dodging bullets in hostile grounds so i suggest that you take the whole i disrespect america phrase because otherwise 73% americans are disrespectful or there just not abunch of dipshits who vote for a party and not for a person. Republican , Democrats Nileist Liberal , Conservative , I could really give a flying ---- i go by what i live through and what i see with my eyes ...........
Dont call me a pesimist try and read between the l;ines ,,,, i have seen things in Iraq that you would not believe , things that are so bad , that i am forbidden to mention by the US government and the marine core.
Good Luck fighting that one off
All hail president hitler arrrhmmm i mean bush
pshhhh please all hail my ass

It does about as much good aa GOVENER bush
And still iI fought daddies war for him


Active Member
Sorry Mr Oceanist but you are out of line. You are entilted to bring your opinions and and enter the debate. But name calling and vulgarity is not needed.
Please leave the thread so those with congnitive skills can continue on debating issues and exchanging ideas.

darth tang

Active Member
I knew it wouldn't be long till Cindy Sheehan got herself some publicity again. This chick has more issues than Playboy.
"I don't care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don't care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don't care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don't fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest."
That is the last paragraph from her little story.
Occuppied New Orleans? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darth Tang
I knew it wouldn't be long till Cindy Sheehan got herself some publicity again. This chick has more issues than Playboy.
"I don't care if a human being is black, brown, white, yellow or pink. I don't care if a human being is Christian, Muslim, Jew, Buddhist, or pagan. I don't care what flag a person salutes: if a human being is hungry, then it is up to another human being to feed him/her. George Bush needs to stop talking, admit the mistakes of his all around failed administration, pull our troops out of occupied New Orleans and Iraq, and excuse his self from power. The only way America will become more secure is if we have a new administration that cares about Americans even if they don't fall into the top two percent of the wealthiest."
That is the last paragraph from her little story.
Occuppied New Orleans? WHAT!?!?!?!?!?

It is those troops that rescued all the poor folks and brought them water and food. I am amazed how all of a sudden the poor class in new Orleans is a political issue. The neighborhood in parts of Algiers in her story has a long history of being poor. This would also include times during Democrat controlled federal government. I do not recall this individual making a case during those times or questioning the Democtatic Presidents. I do not recall seeing her, Michael Moore, etc visiting these neighborhoods in the past...but they are experts on the area now and have all the answers.
Local govenment has been controlled by minorities and the Democratic Party for many years as well. But I guess some will just overlook this fact. Objectivity? Some evidently have never heard of this.
I guess the only "shame" time for some is when certain political party is in power.
They have zero interest in this area and simply use the catasrophe and misfortune of poor folks to further a personal political agenda. Facts are unimportant ....many will lie while the others will swear to it. They get a free pass in the national media for the most part...which is shameful.


Active Member
Cindy Sheehan is scum. I watched a video of her little tirade at a rally to show support for the lawyer convected of passing information from the guy that planned the first world trade center attack. Sheehan's exact words were "America is not worth dying for". That is all I needed to know about the piece of trash. Even the child of a scumbag can grow up to be a hero as her son demonstrated. She has changed her story so many times she can't decide what she thought about anything, anyone at anytime.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
Cindy Sheehan is scum. I watched a video of her little tirade at a rally to show support for the lawyer convected of passing information from the guy that planned the first world trade center attack. Sheehan's exact words were "America is not worth dying for". That is all I needed to know about the piece of trash. Even the child of a scumbag can grow up to be a hero as her son demonstrated. She has changed her story so many times she can't decide what she thought about anything, anyone at anytime.
She also states Bush does not know the meaning of hardwork...but I do not recall her stating this about Bill Clinton...a CAREER politician.
I doubt seroiusly she has worked a hard day in her life...but now she is an expert at defining same.
I am not trying to bring up party issues...just trying to point out lack of objectivity to further a specific agenda. Distortion of fact, lying and blatant wreckless with the truth is shameful
I also heard on the news that Moore is now planning another documentary regarding the response of the fedral govt after the storm. Exploitation at its best....and I just know how objective this will be.


Active Member
I am truly beginning to believe this woman has gone over the edge emotionally and mentally. I wish her family would pull in the reins on her. Her husband even has left her. I could never fatham the pain she has suffered from losing her son. But many world wide have gone before her and many will go after. She does have her right to speech, but for gods sake.......make it something sensible.


Active Member
Throw the bums in jail............taking more than their share? Disgusting!
City probes whether employees took donations meant for public
08:43 PM CDT on Sunday, September 18, 2005
Associated Press
KENNER — Officials are responding to complaints that city workers helped themselves to cases of Gatorade, brand-new clothing and other donated items that were intended for victims of Hurricane Katrina.
Philip Ramon, chief of staff to Kenner Mayor Philip Capitano, said the city has removed the official who had presided over the distribution.
City officials planned to investigate the alleged pilfering, but Ramon added that many employees were themselves hurricane victims.
"If they can get some supplies they need, then God bless them," he said.
Thousands of hurricane-stricken residents of the city a few miles west of New Orleans have been lining up each day at a furniture store parking lot to get clothing, food, household items and tons of other donated supplies.
Each evening, after the site closed to the public, city employees browsed the pallets and took supplies, said Robert Shumate, a trucker from Union City, Tenn., who dropped off a load of ice last week and stayed to help distribute the goods.
"I saw it every day," he said. "It's like community property over there."
Kenner police officer Mark McCormick said National Guard soldiers told him that the city official in charge of the distribution and other city employees had taken brand-new clothing from Ryder trucks and handed it out among themselves.
National Guard spokesman Capt. John Cannon said Sunday he had no information about the complaints.
But residents in the city of 70,000 said they were disgusted that municipal workers might have taken more than their share of the donations.
"It's awful," said Melody Kirkwood, a storm victim who came to the parking lot to get ice. "There's a lot of people who need things, and it's a shame they're doing that. A real shame."