HURRY!!! Please Help me!!!


:confused: Help me. I bought a $30 anemomie, and it wont stick to any of my rocks. The guy at the store told me to just let it float around and it will find a place, but when I do that it ends up up-side down in the sand. I have to idea, its been about 24 hours and nothing. Could someone also please help me with breeding suggestions, I want to breed either my Clownfish, or my Highfin Cardnalfish. Any tips? Am I running out of time for my anemomie? Help please.
29 gal. , fitter Eclips hood,
filter and biowheel
35lbs. LR
2 oscerelis(???) clownfish
1 Highfin cardnal
1 Blue Damsel fish
1 Yellow tang.
4 blue leg crabs
1 anenomie(?)


Active Member
I would wait a bit on the anemone. They will wander until they find a place that is suitable. It may not be where "you" want it to be; but, you don't really have much choice in the matter. The animal will decide on it's own. Just give it some more time.
As for breeding, can't help you there.
Good Luck!


Active Member
How much circulation do you have in the tank? You may have too much current blowing it around.
You aren't necessarily running out of time, but anemone success depends a lot on water quality. What are your levels like? How long has your tank been established?
What is your lighting like? Also, what kind of anemone is it?
Sorry for all the questions, but they are important...

krazzy kuda

New Member
I agree with BUZZ.... we need to know how long you have been set up and what the water quality is like..... if the poor guy is just lying there upside down it usally means poor water conditions and if it is moving all over the water flow could be too strong!!!! what kind is it!!! curly cue! seabae? or what ....????? as for breeding you need to read books on that.... the cardnidals are pretty easy... and clowns can be a difficult


Thanks for replying. I bought strong lighinting when I bought it. I think it is a long tail, I dont know, I"ll look it up. My tank has been going for more than a month, the water levels are purfect. I just checked them yesterday. All the fish are healthy. I'll turn down the current a little. Do they really move by themselves? Mine doesn't move too much. How do you get the clown fish to go to the anemoie? The guy at the store said they love this kind, but how do I get them to like it? Keep replying.


Active Member
OK...a couple of things, not meant to be negative, just some advice going forward...
It doesn't sound like you spent too much time researching this before you got the anemone. I am all for the ownership of anemone's. I have one myself (in my avatar) - a BTA. But it is very important to do the homework before you buy one. Don't just buy something because it looks good (I'm not saying you did.).
There are compatibility issues with clowns and anemone's. Only certain clowns will go with certain anemone's - and a bit of advice, don't rely on your LFS to teach you. Many of them don't have a clue. Also, different anemone's have different requirements. It doesn't sound like you are certain as to what kind of anemone you even bought. You also didn't know they move.
Yes, they do move...some quite frequently. Once it relaxes, and grabs a hold of something, it will move itself to a spot with the right lighting and current for it.
You also need to make sure to feed it meaty foods - squid chunks, sea scallop, etc...light isn't enough.
What do you consider perfect levels? Also, what levels have you checked? There are some besides the basic pH, Ammonia, Nitrates and Nitrites to check, especially with an anemone. Have you ever checked your alkalinity? Anything else?


Thanks again for more tips. The guy at the pet store does know what he is doing, and he said my clownfish would like it. My anenomie doesn't more, it's fingers will move, but that is it. It won't do anything. How do I feed it food, it won't grab it before it floats away. Where can I study anenomies, I have vigoursly studied everything else, but can't find much on anenomies. Sorry, but I think my water is perfect, I would buy more extensive test kits, but I am broke, not a penny left. I am trying to post a picture of it, but my pictures are to big, so I need to re-size it and try again, just hold tight. Thanks.


Active Member
If it is a Long Tentacle Anemone, here is some care info:
Quick Stats
Care Level: Moderate
Light: Moderate
Water Flow: Medium
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.023-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4
Color Form: Brown, Gray, Purple
Dominance: Aggressive
Reef Compatible: Yes
Ideal Supplements: Iodine, Trace Elements
Origin: Indo-Pacific
Family: Actiniidae
The Long Tentacle Anemone is also referred to as the Corkscrew Anemone, Sand Anemone, Red Base Anemone, and Long Tentacle Red Base Anemone. It has a similar appearance to Heteractis crispa, which has more tentacles and a tougher column. Its oral disc is usually visible and can grow up to 20" in diameter. Its tentacles are spaced further apart than other similar anemones. It is found in various forms and color patterns, but its base is usually orange to red. It is a host to clownfish, usually Amphiprion perideraion and A. clarki.
The Long Tentacle Anemone requires an aquarium with a 4 inches of sand or rubble substrate in which it can hide.

The diet should include small pieces of fish or mussel, crustaceans, and frozen foods.
Approximate Purchase Size: Small: 1" to 2"; Medium: 2" to 3"; Large: 3" to 6"


Can the anemonie attach to the substrate? I get I am stupid for not looking into it more, sorry, but I just need him to attach to something and get my fish to like it. Should I just drop him in the water and let him go where ever? or should I place a few rocks so he can lean against them and not move by the current? I just don't know. Do you think anemonies can be mentally retarted? just kidding. Well, I'm frustrated.


OK, here's the deal, I am letting it just sit, even if its laying on the substrate, I will put brine shrimp in the tank everyday, and just wait. It this is not what I'm suppose to do, then tell me. One question though, will it grab the substrate and stay? and like it? I studied them, but nothing told me how to put them in the tank.:(


Active Member
Sit it in a spot where it will not blow all over the place and turn upside down - and, where it has plenty of light. Once it acclimates, it will grab it's foot...You may want to sit it on the substrate, right next to a rock...that way, it doesn't have far to reach if it wants either. Give it a mild current to start. If it wants more, it will move.
And once you have it in place, I would try to feed it some squid or it directly on the tentacles. It should grab it. if it hasn't eaten yet, it is going to start getting weak. Brine shrimp aren't enough. If it won't take the solid food, try injecting a liquid supplement into it's mouth gently with a turkey baster...I use Advanced Invertebrate Formula I.
And again, I wasn't trying to harp on you about not studying up. It's just a good idea to know what you're getting in to.
I also hate to throw this out there, but this was brought to me when I first got an anemone...some anemones are weak to begin with, and can't handle switching tanks. If this continues, you may want to take him back to the LFS. It also brace yourself...not make it. :(


I put him in a nice spot surronded by rocks, so it won't get pushed around. He seems to like it, i'll have to go buy some better food for it. It seems to be trying to stretch out or something. It seems longer and skinner today. I'll be mad if it dies, I just hate wasting money.


I'm super worried now, my anemonie is thinning, and not looking too well. I gave him brine shrimp(alot) and I will buy him better stuff on Friday, if he makes it. He still won't hold on to anything. This really sucks, please help me.:(


I have good news and bad news. First the good. My anemonie ate alot of brine shrimp and seems to be perking up and getting bigger, it had alot more strength and looks better. It is also starting to move a little. The bad news is that I have it in this little spot, but it tries to move and it starts getting sucked in by the filter. I wants to go back there, but just gets sucked up, I keep having to pull him off. any solutions?