HURRY!!! Please Help me!!!


Active Member
Any chance of moving the filter? If not, can you find an equally appealing spot for the anemone away from the filter?


Things are looking good. I moved him to the other side of the tank, moved the currents away, and bought him a liquid food somthing or other. I feed him brine shrimp also. It looks like he is now holding on to the rock, but his tentacles look a little droopy, maybe when he gets more food in him he'll do better. Thanks alot for the help guys. If you have any other tips or anything, post em up for me, I appreciate it.


Active Member
Keep a close eye on still should feed it something meatier than brine shrimp though...perhaps frozen squid chunks or something. The liquid supplement will be good as well as a complement.
It will regularly deflate on you...don't panic when it does. That is how they expel waste, as they only have one opening. They fill with water, and then eject it. It will reinflate itself by filling with more water.
Glad to hear things are looking up! :D


So I'm doing good? What does it mean if it is sheding, like some of skin in coming off. odd. Thanks a ton for the help, I think it has a chance now.:p


Active Member
Shedding? Hmm...
Might just be waste that it has expelled...when mine does that, it ejects stringy particles that remained of the food it ate. Never heard of them actually shedding though.
If it is eating and looking stronger, and it has planted it's foot and moved a little, that definitely sounds like you are heading in the right direction.


I tested my amoina and pH last night and I am testing the rest later today, I"ll be back to tell you those results.
Nitrate:To be determined
Lighting:power-Glo 20W, 18000K
Alk:?, don't have test for that.
29 gallon, eclips hood and filter.
powerhead, heater, about 34lbs. live rock
1 blue damsel
2 Hifin Cardanals
2 Clowns
4 blue leg crabs
I'm not giving up on my anemoie yet, it's tenticles looka little more healthy, it is shedding a little, and it was attached, I moved the currents back to normal but it must not have liked it, so it deattached. I moved the currents, hope it goes back. Anything else?