Hurt anemone


New Member
Hi, everybody!
We've had this anemone for a year. Two days ago it got sucked into a powerhead. Next morning she came out of there on it's own, but she lost more than half of its tentacles, her body is deformed, poor thing!

I went to LFS today and they said to get rid of her because her body will deteriorate and contaminate the water. I am very concerned about water condition but she is alive!!! how can I dump her in the toilet. I feel so bad.
Please, advise. :confused:


Give her a chance. If you have something to quarantine her in, do it until you know if she is going to make it or not. They will grow and heal but it takes some time for it to happen. So for the time being you want to keep all things that would harm her away and give her all that she would need to recupe.


Yeah, give it a chance and see what happens. You'll know if it continues to deteriorate. Maybe try taking pics for the next few days to monitor growth/deterioration(?).


New Member
Thank you blackomne and rwhite !
That's exactly what I want to do - give it a chance. Fish never bother it; she just likes "to go out":cheer:. I was always able to catch her before she'd get in trouble, till last time.
I will keep it in the tank, then. (don't have a QT)
Thanks again.


My rose was sucked into my powerhead also , if is doing fine now . My lfs told me to watch it , if they are going to die it will turn to mush.
p.s Mine was pretty chewed up !


yea don't get rid of it!!!! i had one that kept getting sucked in the filter over and over like everyday, and it would stay there continue to get sucked til i got home and then i'd pullit out and this happened a lot and i even put neting ver the filter and he was still gettin sucked in and he was fine! so never give up!:joy:


New Member
To EveryOne:
You are the best!!! :yes: Your support is priceless!
It just moved to a more comfortable location, and looks a bit better than yesterday.
I'll keep an eye on it.


Welcome to the board Bloomer
I'm going to give you my two cents here.
Normally if the anmeone has lost a tentical or two it can survive. However the more tenticals it loses the chance of its not making it go up.
If the foot of the anemone or any other major part of its body, is damaged then the chances are that it may be mortally wounded.
Be prepared. Have a bucket of tank water ready if possible, to remove the anemone to.
If it does die then it will or can pollute the tank rapidly, so get a water change ready, and have fresh carbon standing by.
Protect it from any preditors that may take advantage of it while in the tank.
If it were me I would not like to give up on it or anything in my tank either so hang in there, just be ready for anything if at all possable.
What kind of anmeone is it?


New Member
Thomas712 thanks, I'll prepare for a water change, just in case.
I am not sure but it looks something like Long Tentacle Anemone on this Board, it's all brown with a long foot and long tentacles, plus it has white streaks coming from the center (mouth) to the edges.
My concern is that it's not going to be able to eat, as her mouth was damaged. I tried to give her a tiny piece of food to see if she could get it in her mouth. She even didn't try. I can imagine...


Bloomer, it is possible that your anemone has changed modes so to speak. The damage caused to it has sent it into a survival mode, its storing its energy to try to heal, and I hope that it does.
Sounds like a really rough one though lossing more than half of the tenticals.
I would try to keep your water quality as high as you can get it. Fresh carbon and or a poly filter would be great.