HVAC Techs?


Active Member
Looking for a little advise from you A/C guys. I have a 3 ton Trane, about 3 years old. Lots of problems,all covered under warranty so far. But the warranty is up soon. Anyway recently I had the outside coil/condenser (looks like a car a/c condenser to me..other than its bigger and U shaped) Anyway, since the install, the outside unit is making a "hissing/leaking freon" sound when the system is running. Its quiet when not running,and the system SEEMS to be cooling normally. It NEVER made this noise before,and I had a tech come out and put the guages on it and said "all the levels were good". I just want to be sure its working as efficently as possible...especially with the cost of electricity. Any ideas why the unit would make a hissing sound????? Thanks
i have been doing a/c for 5 years now. it is completely normal. the freon passes through a metering device, which sometimes make a leaking sound. if he came out and check your pressures, and he said they are fine, then you should be fine. the freon changes from a vapor to a liquid inside the condenser.


Active Member
OK,Thanks a bunch!! I really have had bad luck with this system,and I did NOT have much faith in the tech that came out...Thanks for the info.
was the tech a friend? if not and something was wrong, he would try to sell you stuff you didnt need to get fixed. a/c techs can be just as bad as car sells men. (not speaking from experience).
hope all goes well..
the best advice i could give is to change your filters often and every 6months gently hose down your condenser to remove dirt and leaves. spary through the fins. if you spary to hard it will bend the fins.
its the little things that help your units run longer.