Hydor Flo Rotating Deflector Wavemaker

dive girl

Does anyone use these on their return lines or powerheads? I've got a smaller tank and have 4 Koralia Nano Powerheads. Two are on wave makers and I'd like to put them on the other two. Does anyone know if it's possible?


Active Member
Are you trying to fit the Hydor rotating wave maker to a koralias nano? If so it won't work, the koralias PH don't have the necessary nozzle to attach the Hydor wave maker.


Active Member
the hydor flo's will only work on powerheads or returns that have a round tube. like maxijets or similar. i use them in my smaller tanks. i like them. a good wavemaking device. they will cut down the pressure of the pump, so if you are thinking of trying one, buy a pump a bit stronger than you would ordinarily purchase.

dive girl

I appreciate the input. The only round inlets I have are from the return of my sump/fuge. I was hoping to put them on my nano powerheads to create more movement that way.