Hydor Koralia 3

I need help here. I have a 55g Reef with shrooms, zoos, xenia and a Hammer coral. I have a Hydor Koralia 3 850 gph pump in to provide some flow.
I am afraid that I may have too much flow for this tank. I know that nothing I have requires high flow and wonder if I am giving them too much. I am I correct in this and should I get a Koralia 1 or 2 instead? I can give my father the HK 3 for his 75g tank.
No matter where I position my corals, they seem to be getting blown around by the Koralia 3.
Here is an image of the placement of the pump and corals.


You definitely don't have too much flow, some say there is no such thing. I would just change the Koralia's location. You have it aimed down at your corals in that photo, so of course they are getting blasted. Why don't you try putting the Koralia at the bottom of that right back corner and aim it up either towards the back middle of the tank, or the top back left of the tank. That should allow proper flow and not bother the corals as much!


Active Member
I have a #4 and a #3 in my 55gal. One on either side.. they are perfect. I actually sometimes think I shoulda gone with 2 of the #4's instead. Just move it around like rainmkr said. Everything may take a little while to get use to the increase in flow - then they'll love it. I've noticed everything is better in my tank since i upgraded - fish, softies, clams, everything...


sorry to hi-jack the thread but does anyone have any input on these powerheads? I am looking to get on (#2) for a 55g and I was wondering if they are worth the money?


Active Member
any of the koralia are good. depending on coral type, but i would get at least 2 if you have no other powerheads.
the number 3 should be great for your tank golgi. just do what rainmkr07 said.


I have #2. They are placed on the top left and right rear corners. They point towards the front of the tank at a 45 downward angle. They work great.


Active Member
Originally Posted by donald
sorry to hi-jack the thread but does anyone have any input on these powerheads? I am looking to get on (#2) for a 55g and I was wondering if they are worth the money?
Yes they are worth the money but I would get 2 #3's for a 55.


Active Member
You have gotten good advice from the other posters. If anything I would say you need another #3 or even a #4.
If you go with one of each, I would bounce the flow off of the front glass from the stronger of the two and then have the lower flow pump run down the back of the tank. Using equal pumps I would have their flow points meet in the middle opposing each other from the back corners.
I use a number two in both of my nanos and they are great pumps, but positioning is key to get the desired flow.


Active Member
What are you talking about. You tank looks happy. Too much flow. naww. Get another one.
donald - I love the korollas. Great PH. Not the best. But the best for the cash. They also look nice.
Thanks for the replys guys. I will just move the #3 around and see what I can come up with. I just wanted to make sure I was not adding too much flow to this 55g. I guess not!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Golgi Aparatus
Thanks for the replys guys. I will just move the #3 around and see what I can come up with. I just wanted to make sure I was not adding too much flow to this 55g. I guess not!!
Not at all..


I have 2 of the 3's and feel they are just right for my 75 gal..if I had any bigger tank..I would definitely go with the 4's. I think 1 of the 3's for a 55 is ok..you could even go with more flow if you like. JMO


Active Member
Yea, just to add to this thread... I posted on the lighting/equipment forum earlier tonight. I had heard so many great things about these ph's. So I bought a #2 for my 46g. I am very underwhelmed with it! While it sounds like a lot of flow (600gph!!!), I guess when it's being blown in a much wider patern than more ph's it isn't as much. I plan on drying mine off and boxing it up and returning it for a #3. Hopefully the 850gph will be just a little stronger and exactly what I desire!
Let me say, I think they are a great design but don't be fooled by the gph... go bigger than you think you actually need.


Originally Posted by FranktheTank
Yea, just to add to this thread... I posted on the lighting/equipment forum earlier tonight. I had heard so many great things about these ph's. So I bought a #2 for my 46g. I am very underwhelmed with it! While it sounds like a lot of flow (600gph!!!), I guess when it's being blown in a much wider patern than more ph's it isn't as much. I plan on drying mine off and boxing it up and returning it for a #3. Hopefully the 850gph will be just a little stronger and exactly what I desire!
Let me say, I think they are a great design but don't be fooled by the gph... go bigger than you think you actually need.
exactly! Like I said..I can't imagine having less than two #3's in my 75! The flow from them is very nice but any less would not do.! Definitley go bigger if you have anything bigger than a 75.
I have 2 number 2's and a mj 900 in a 20 gallon tank. It is an sps tank. I have the mj 900 at the water surface to airate, and the 2 koralia pointing at a large rock in the center. Love the koralia's.


Active Member
all depends on your layout - but as I posted earlier: I have a #3 and a #4 in my 55 gal. One on each side. Now I wish I got 2 #4's. Even though I have softies and such, the #4 is better for my tank - gets plenty of flow around all the rock - 120 lbs of lr. So my tank has a bit more rock surface area, thus slowing down flow. So it just depends on your tank layout to determine which would be best for you...