Hydor Theo Heaters


Active Member
Anyone use these heaters. I bought one lastnight cause they didnt have any visitherms. it seems like a decent heater but saw some bad reviews


Active Member
Yeah I bought one to heat water in my mixing bucket.
Stuck on in less than a few days. Glad I didn't put it in my tank.


i use to use one in my 10 gal QT...worked great and had no probs.....for like a month..then i couldnt get the water over 75*


Active Member
I use one a 80w one in my mixing bin. it use to work fine in my tank (120g total volume at the time) but in my mixing bucket (40g) even if I set it as low as it will go (seventy something) it makes the water 84deg so I only turn it on the day before a water change. maybe its just too big or malfunctioning now.


Yup. I am having the same problem with my 400 watt. If i set it to 71 deg. it gets to 84. I have to smaller heaters hooked up now. I'm going to go shopping for a new heater tomorrow.


Active Member
i ended up taking it back to petsmart and got a stealth..just so i could feel better. It didnt seem like mine was acting up just didnt wanna take a chance.


I understand. I went and got a 250 watt Jager. I already had a 150 watt and it never let me down. So know I have them both in the 120 gal.


Active Member
I bought a Jager one time and never again..that thing was a POS and didnt even work right out of the box. Took it back the next day before it boiled my tank


Man! seens like I'm having all the luck. well i'll have to keep an eye on it until next week. gonna try a dif. store. Thanks for the info.


Active Member
i have jagers on two of my tanks and run finnexx titanium on the display tank. The finex tem,p controler is really good and right on the money with keeping temp right.


Had a couple of Hydor theo's. Like most they worked for a little while and then started overheating the tank. Went with stealths and have not had a problem since.


had one in a 55. worked for awhile. one day had a fish boil. 95 degrees. porcupine puffer only survivor. but i did not learn a lesson. had to buy another in a pinch for a hospital tank. set at 67 to get 75. my reco would be to throw it in the trash.