

Active Member
I have a BUNCH of little things all over my glass, my overflwo box,etc. They r white dots with a bunch of little clear/white legs. What r they and what will eat them? Does this sound like a job for a mandrian? I mean they r everywhere!!!
Sound like harmless sponges.Hydroids, come in all shapes.It took me a while to find the little white/clear pinapple shaped ones with its halo of spines.
Research many sites, as this looked nothing like most I was seeing online, then I found it after long search....Thanks to a knowledgible person on this site.......
This could be what your seeing,it's a sign of a well managed tank my friend.
If there moblie creatures your proably witnessing a hatch of pods or mysis shrimp time will tell as there are many things it can be ...
When they get bigger give a discription,.............Did you see them only when the lights came on the glass or are they out in the light all the time...When you said hydroids I shouldn't have assumed that only.