Hydrometer vs. Refractometer

How accurate is a Hydrometer? Is it really essential that I get a Refractometer? If so, would any work, or should I get a good one?


the cheapest refractor on the market is better than the best hydro on the market hands down.
I would not think twice about spending the $40 or so dollars to get one. Much cheaper than a problem down the road that could cost you hundreds.
Just be sure to claibrate it and check claibration regularly and you are good to go.
Most every hydro that i have ever seen will fail at some point. Better safe than sorry.

payton 350

Originally Posted by smokingreefer
How accurate is a Hydrometer? Is it really essential that I get a Refractometer? If so, would any work, or should I get a good one?
Hydro....about as accurate as tasting the salt with your tongue and guessing what the sg is......and you can get 5 different readings off of the same sample......Decent Refract about 50 bucks ....Hydro about 10 plus all the fish and coral you lose from inaccurate readings. This is one thing i would get right away and not even try to rationalize getting a hydro. they should make those illegal
my tank was run with a hydro for about 3 years. my bro didnt have many problems with the tank, but it didnt have THAT much life in it. well i inherited the tank about a year ago and have since used the hydro. there was only 1 clown, 2 damsils, and a hermit in the tank. but when i finally purchased a refracto, my first test showed 1.033 salinity. and yes, the refracto was calibrated. now that i have the refracto, i keep it around 1.026 and everything is doing great. i have since added a snowflake eel and a CUC.
and if u look around, you can get refractos pretty cheap. i got mine off e bay, its brand new and i think it came to like $28 shipped.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Glass floating hydrometers are fine as long as you keep them clean and use them properly.Refractometers are good too as long as you keep them calibrated.But i wouldnt trust any swing arm hydrometers.


Absolutely a good choice. If you were using a swing arm, they are so terribly off. I had a swing arm. I was extremely meticulous about my readings to. I bought a refractometer, a couple of years ago, and found out that my readings were far from what I thought. Glass hydrometers are pretty accurate if they are maintained.


Originally Posted by smokingreefer
How accurate is a Hydrometer? Is it really essential that I get a Refractometer? If so, would any work, or should I get a good one?
A Refractometer is WAY WAY better. I had a swing arm forever. I got a refractometer about 2 months ago and WOW. All I can say is my 1.025 tank was really my 1.029 tank.
Any of them will do. Check out 'that' site where people bid on stuff, you can get one for about $30. Almost all are the same ones anywhere you go. Definitely good choice, you'll be surprised at what your tank is at.
When you get it, put a drop of RO water on the lens and calibrate it to 0.000 using the setscrew. Now you're good to go. Check regularly for calibration.