

please gimme your oppinions, I use one and recently been corrected umm.... just wanted to hear what the people had to say........ so people what do ya got to tell me? haha


I went from a Popular hydro meater to a Refractomeater and would never go back after i found out how off the Hydro meater can truly be.


so far I guess I should invest in that... wow.... I would have thought that to be a stupid question I knew you could use either but didn't know that .... so ... thanx anyone else wanna bash my Hydrometer usin self... haha j/k anyway thanks again


yeah I just looked on this site for them.... now I know why I didn't buy a Refractometer..... there on sale for 50 bucks hahaha maybe next wk.... but I do get 20 % off at my work and I work in a TFS but they can order me anything I want for SW .... so maybe I'll try to see if they'll get me one tomorrow..... if not guess I'm gonna pay 50 bucks for it.... are there cheaper ones at other LFS???? or are they that pricey everywhere?


Got mine for 39$ too off the big auction site. Dead on accurate and easy to use. My hydrometer is now in the local landfill where it belonged in the first place.


Active Member
A good LFS should have a calibrated refractometer to double check a sample of your water. Hydrometers are typically inaccurate by a few points one side or the other but stay that way.
Just recalibrate your hydrometer so it matches that of your lfs refractometer. For example mine reads .005 high so to make up water at 1.025 I need to have my hydrometer read 1.020. I double check monthly with my lfs refractometer and my hydrometer has read consistent all though consistently wrong.


It will be the best 50.00 you ever spend,be safe than sorry,I was using deep six for 4yrs was testing my water 1.024,than bought a refractometer calibarated tested water 1.030.wow didnt really know that the deep six could be that far off,dont waste your money on a hydrometer

sinner's girl

deep six is evil, evil I tell you!
just recalibrate your hydrometer so it matches that of your lfs refractometer. For example mine reads .005 high so to make up water at 1.025 I need to have my hydrometer read 1.020.
That's what I did. But I got rid of the evil, evil deep six. Stupid thing. I thought it was better than what I had, I did a water change, my sg was all off, I screwed up the whole tank and lost my brittle star...
my cheapo swing arm thingie is better, and wasn't off as much as the deep six, however, I'm getting a refratormeter as soon as I get the money.