Hydrothrustor QV variable speed pump?


I am just wondering if any one has used this time of pump. My friend gave me one that he used on a 135 gallon tank. It is pretty big and is variable speed. Just wondering if they are sh!t or pretty good?


Hey Wolf,
I haven't heard the hydro come up in a long time. I almost bought one eight years ago or so, but I heard somewhere that they have quality control issues with them. So I didn't bite.
I was always attracted to them b/c of that speed dial. I thought that was a great idea.
Recently, I stumbled on a 220 freshwater plant tank that had two of those pumps on it.
I guess if you find one that works that would be cool.
I have no idea if they still make them or if you can get parts for them anymore. Let me know. I am curious.


They do still make those:
customaquatics has them. so does the doctor site.
Let me know how it works


This is from a 1993 thread:
I have had two of the QVs on my 220 gal for many years. They seem to last
about 3 years at 400 gph at 6' head. They need to be oiled every 6 months.
They accumulated dust should be blown out at that time to aid cooling.
I recently replaced one with an energy efficient version of the QV. The unit
uses a third of the power as the original QV and is even quieter. I recommend
spending the extra $10-$15 for this updated model, if you decide on Hydrothrusters.


This mad scientist seems to like his a lot:
<a href="http://www.procooling.com/reviews/html/waterblock_roundup_part1-page2.shtml" target="_blank">http://www.procooling.com/reviews/html/waterblock_roundup_part1-page2.shtml</a>
~what the heck is that guy up to anyway? <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


I have i have it hooked up to my tank right now and it works like a charm. It is super quiet and you can change it from full blast to a trickle or even off. I am not sure how much it pushes. I think that it is somewhere around 500 gph


i went through two of them, the double side pump model and they were..$$$$

.....Threw them both away and went to a mag pump, huge improvemnt
Reefer X, he's using that pump to run water through a PC chip cooling device. The overclocker's friend....anything to get the chip to cool down


he's using that pump to run water through a PC chip cooling device.<hr></blockquote>
That's whack. I am surprised I don't see a Tesla coil running in the background. :D
Hey teog,
If you could elaborate on why they were

that would be cool. Did they break?
Like I said in my first reply, I heard they were dicey, but then I found some pretty positive comments on them so I just would like to know more details on the negative if possible.