Hyper agressive Clown


Is there any way to make a clown less agressive? Mine killed a Diamond Goby
In 2 days. It will attack your hand on sight. leaving serveral small bites, it even drew blood on my wifes had why she cleaned the glass. Its a 55 gallon with 2 clowns, 3 GBTA , 1 RBTA, 1 Scopas Tang, Fire shrimp, and a cleaner shrimp.
I realy wanted a Goby but I am scared to try a nother one.

small triggers

Active Member
nope,,, they are very territorial,, and since you are adding a smaller fish,, it will continue to try and kill each one,,, get rid of that one ( or banish him for a week or 2 if you can, redo the rock work, add the goby you want and let it get settled before putting the clown back in,,,,)


I might have to give that a try. I guessing I will have to pull both clowns together....
Also the Goby was bigger thats why I figured he might be ok.
I have the same problem. Mine are a mated pair of maroon clowns and they bight my hand alot and tail wip. I bought some really long clamps so i dont have to
put my hand in the water


Sounds like the clown needs a time out.
My clowns became far less aggressive once I added an anemone for them. The female used to draw blood on me all the time, even when she was a baby (less than 1 1/2"). Evil little fish, they weren't that mean in Finding Nemo!