Hypo failed.....next step copper??


This is the 2nd outbreak of ich in the last 3 months.
All fish after 1st outbreak went in QT and salinity was kept at 1.009 for 3 weeks after the last signs of the ich had faded and salinity was slowly raised back up to 1.025 over a week and a half. (fish spent 6 wks in the qt tank total)
I left the display tank empty for 6 total weeks before putting the fish from the qt back in the display tank. In the 1st week of leaving the DT empty I had added a few corals and a couple of emerald crabs to eat a bit of hair algae but made no changes after that.
Fish were back in dt for 4 days and the ich was back again and everyone went back into the QT for another round of hypo. Hypo looks like it is not going to work and want to switch to copper. My question is as follows.
1. I want to use a salifert copper test kit....my brand of preference...what type of copper treatment works best with this test kit. Also what salinity should the salt be set to to best use a copper treatment
2 In my display my inverts are having issues and disappearing for no reason. I have lost 2 cleaner shrimp a fire shrimp 1 emerald crab and a few Nass snails.
My fire shrimp shed and then came out and ate and then the next morning the scavengers had picked him clean... 2 days after pulling out the fish for this round of hypo my 2 cleaners vanished...thought they were going for a shed and never came back....you could hand feed them and they never missed a meal. Ass for the Nass snails....they climb the glass and have seen their shells almost falling off their backs and they get stuck and stop (they are a few yrs old and I havent bought any new ones in over 2 yrs)
Tank is set as follows.
salinity 1.025 (refractometer used and calibrated weekly)
Nitrite 0
nitrate less than 2
ammonia 0
phosphate 0 (but there has to be something with the hair algae)
ph 8.1
dkh 9.6 (if you need the alk conversion I can look it p when I get home)
mag 1320
calcium 425
Its a 92 corner with a 20gal sump and I change about 10 gals a week and use trop marin for salt and mix it for at least 48 hrs before use
Only thing I can think of is that one of the pieces of LR that the coral I added was contaminated with copper or something. The only inverts left in the tank are nass snails (am not sure how many they are hard to count) 4 emerald crabs, a black sea cucumber and a blue linkia starfish and 2 peppermint shrimp.
I can't see anything that could harm 3 healthy shrimp an emerald crab and a few nass snails although without fish in the tank for the last 2 months the little live critters in the tank are taking over and are everywhere.
Any ideas would be appreciated


Staff member
The best copper to use is Cupramine and the use Seachem's copper test kit.
Are you sure it is ich? Are all fish symptomatic?
While the fish were in the QT, you continued to feed your display tank, correct?


Its Ich...... I could recognize it in my sleep at this point.
I only have 3 fish and they all have signs of it.
Yellow tang is the least affected....2 spots on tail which are now gone due to the current hypo. He looks fine.
True perc clown....lightly covered and getting better.
Gold rim tang.... looks like someone rolled him in a salt bin.
He has it the worst but is still eating.
Am changing 3-6 gal a day and trying to suck up the white stuff that falls off the fish and onto the bare bottom of the 29 gal tank
salinity is at 1.010 and the ph is 8.1 temp is 82 degrees.
As for the display tank....it was and still is getting fed every other day.


Staff member
If there is any variation in salinity during hypo, the you risk failure of the procedure.


The only variation I have ever had is the salinity going lower then 1.010 but have never had it above that number
I try to keep the tank as stable as possible.