Hypo kill lr???


Active Member
Yes, it will kill the micro/macro flora/fauna on the rock along with any inverts you have in the tank (hermits, shrimp, crabs, snails, etc.)


Active Member
Originally Posted by djevack
but not the bacteria inside the rock
It'll kill bacteria and everything! Best to move the fish to a QT tank to do Hypo! :happyfish


say a person did hypo with lr in the tank.....
but there is still some coralline algee visible. is the lr dead?
should this person add a few pieces of very good lr to kick start the lr back...
(where not talking about me)


well if you did hypo with live rock you should watch out for a spike in ammonia from all the die off most of what you lost will eventually grow back im pretty sure im correct but im still an amateur myself good luck


Active Member
Originally Posted by DVST8R
well if you did hypo with live rock you should watch out for a spike in ammonia from all the die off most of what you lost will eventually grow back im pretty sure im correct but im still an amateur myself good luck
Your right about that, that's why live rocks should NOT be in a hypo tank!!! IF you have a lot of rocks, muliple die offs will spike your ammonia, that'll be the stuffs that kills your fish instead of ich. :happyfish


I didnt have any fish die, luckly, But how do i bring the rock back to life; coralline and the internal creatures and baterial, I have about 200lbs of the rock in the tank. If i go to the LFs and buy a few pieces would that work. I know it will take time.


Active Member
Originally Posted by djevack
I didnt have any fish die, luckly, But how do i bring the rock back to life; coralline and the internal creatures and baterial, I have about 200lbs of the rock in the tank. If i go to the LFs and buy a few pieces would that work. I know it will take time.
Depending on when you did it and if you have bring the salinity back up to 1.026 yet. Best to do a 20-25% water change every couple of days as soon as your done with hypo IMO so you won't risk ammonia spike. Some creatures inside may still live, but you can buy a few pieces of live rock and place it with your rocks and bring more life. I wouldn't add anything until everything settles down. Good Luck! :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by djevack
thxs, ya i finished this 2 weeks ago. everything is normal no fish died.
Hypo isn't advised to do in the main tank cause it kills off your good stuff in both the LR and the LS. Keep checking your parameters. :happyfish


Active Member
hypo salinity , it is where you lower your specific gravity to about 1.009 -10 , to get rid ofr ich and other parasites ................