HYPO not going well! help !!!


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Hypo going bad?!
guys i need help!
i have two fish in my 29g qt.
one juvy flame angel and one copperbanded BF.
they were in it for a month and were about to go into the display when 24 hours before i would have acclimated,
the ich reared its ugly head!
this was the first time that i had faced the bug, equipped with the might refractometer!
so at first glance, i immediately began the hypo treatment, and raised the temp to 80 degrees
over 48 hours the sal. was at 1.009 or 1.0095. i dont have the garlic extreme and cant find it locally (ft. lauderdale area)
yet! nobody down here carries it, maybe i can get it online?!...
anyway now, about a week later, it is spreading and they werent looking so hot. i cant believe the hypo wasnt working?! or maybe
it takes a certain amount of time to kill everything, i couldnt find those specifics anywhere!
my roomy decided that is was in the danger zone, and dosed the qt with Cupramine (im pretty sure of the brand)
i dont have the UV hooked up because the bulb is 18 mo0nths old and likely will do nothing anyway. i read that pH could drop when lowering sal, and i added red sea marine buffer for pH and it has maintained 8.2 ish.
why is it not working!?
what should i do to keep these guys alive?
how much of a difference does it make if the sal is @ 1.010 as opposed to 1.009 ?


not much diff in salt.
sometimes u may have to treat tank more than once, but try a copper treatment make sure u use enough treatment because if u dont the ick could be ammune to it.


Active Member
The life cycle of ick takes about 3 to 4 weeks and then should keep QTed another 4 weeks after that.
Lowering the SG so low in just 2 days, IMO is a bit too fast. Should not use copper with dwarfs and CBBF are very tricky to begin with.....I know this is not much help but just some thoughts I had....


dont have the garlic extreme and cant find it locally (ft. lauderdale area)
You can use garlic cloves from the grocery store, you can chop them into fine pieces and soak your foods in them or I just chop them in large chunks to soak my foods than remove the large chunks before I feed.
When was the last time you seen the Ich before stopping the Hypo?
Did you hypo for 4 weeks after the last sign of Ich or just 4 weeks from start to finish?


Active Member
ok let me clarify. i just kept them in the QT tank without Hypo for 4 weeks. after which it did develope (as expected because i saw a little bit of ich in the tank that the CB was taken out of, but i assumed would be easy to rid of with the hypo.
the posts on this site suggested that i :
lower it over 48hours (done, it was already at about 1.019 to start)
after the last of the ich is visible, wait 3 weeks.
then 1 week slowly raise the sal back to normal.
they are still in the hypo sal. and the copper was added. i didnt want to but he was persistant and i lost internet access at home to check with everyone.... too late now.
i was under the impression that hypo will kill the parasite in its externally visible stage, much like a FW dip will quickly clean off the fish. but it keeps showing up, more and more. so i am thinking its not working!? or just let it ride and it should die after a few weeks, if the fish dont first?


There's probably some place in Ft. Laud. that has Garlic Extreme, but I know of a place in Deerfield if you want to make the trip. "A World of Tropical Fish" on US1 and 10th (Sawgrass Expwy). They are open until 8pm. I saw a few on the shelf, but you'll probably want to call ahead to make sure they aren't out of stock.


Active Member
came home from work yesterday, and the CB was upside down, trapped between a rock (fake) and the glass! i thought he was dead but i moved the rock and he swam free!
then as the night progressed i checked on him and he looked like he was laying in the sand one second, then swimming the next.... not a good sign...not expecting to last the night, or even till bed time.
i start to head to bed and check one last time, no CB swimming where is he?? he is stuck to the intake on the larger PH ! he surely must have died and been sucked to it! but alas! i see the gills still do quiver! so i gently pry him free and he swims loop-de-loops of joy. im serious. but he surely could not make it till the morning?!
this morning, he lives! and the ich appears to be 99% gone! he might actually make it! he breathes a bit rapidly and his color is a bit faded from the stress he has been through , but i have high hopes for this one!


Active Member
thanks V, thats a very informative site, it should probably be linked in the archives section (hint mods)


Three weeks of hypo at 1.009 will kill ich, you really needn't have added the copper, read in the Disease and Treatment forum.


Active Member
i know, i didnt want him to add it, i was going to let it play itself out, but he is a stubborn one. anyway, there is a slight layer of sand on the bottom, so that should absorb the copper.


Active Member
Originally Posted by saltn00b
Hypo going bad?!
how much of a difference does it make if the sal is @ 1.010 as opposed to 1.009 ?
It does make a difference, and you need to be certain to top off frequently to keep it there. Watch your ammonia too, and be ready to do water changes every several days if needed. Read this..it's the best article on hypo, as well as other remedies.