Hypo Question?


I am currently starting hypo. I have the salinity down to 1.010 I'm using a refractometer to measure the salinity. What will happen if I drop below 1.009? I'm going really slow to make sure I get it right, but just in case I'm off a little I'd like to know before hand what to do to correct this.


Thanks for the reply. I calibrated according to the instructions and the correct temp. Just want to be on the safe side. Thanks again.


ok I also started hypo today unfortunatly its inmy main tank i have it down to 1.019 i have already lost a starfish and a few snails and green crabs how long before the ick is gone? how long do i have to keep the Salt level so low?


sorry rane; but you might lose more of your inverts to the hypo; ideally should have Q tank w/ the main tank empty of fish for a month at least


ok thanks tomorrow i will get a tank maybe a 20 gallon i am going to treat in the main tank and move my invets to the 20gallon do i have to remove the sand and also the Live rock and do i have to get the salt levels to 1.009 or 1.019? which is it also can i take some of the saltwater from the main tank to the 20 gallon tank or will the water be infected?


Hypo will kill of anything that is living on your LR and LS. Why dont you setup a little bit larger q-tank and move the fish? I had to setup an additional tank due to the fact that I needed to treat all of my fish and my q-tank wasn't big enough.


Staff member
You need to move the fish over to another hospital tank. Leave your reef tank with the LR, LS and inverts where it is.
There are numereous threads here about hyposalinty, many of them active. Use the search feature and type in hyposaliinity and you will get the procedure exactly.


I have a 110 gallon fish only tank (well some hermits and snails but moved them to another tank) Can i do hypo in my main tank cuz it is fish only? I bought rid-ich, and i have heard that 'no-ich marine' works but i cant find that.. any suggestions??? my hawaiian puffer is almost dead i would like to save him... please help!