Hypo Questions


Ok I have read that you are not susposed to do hypo with sand and rock but I am wondering..... I have 3 pieces of rock in my 90 gal which after my new rock from swf.com cures they will be tossed. So I have the following questions
1. Can I do hypo in the display? knowing that the rock will be tossed in a week or two
2. I have a handful of nass snails, 1 turbo snail, and a horseshoe crab can I just put them in my reef tank or can they carry the ich?
3. Will rthe hypo be bad for the sand?
4. In a 90 how would you do hypo 2 gallons at a time or what?
I have a small tank to do a qt/ht but the filter for that is being used to cure my new live rock.


Well-Known Member
I would personally take my live rock out and put it in a separate rubbermaid with a powerhead and a small light for a little while. Hypo takes at least 2 weeks.
What kind of fish do you have? Can you just take your fish out and put him in a rubbermaid with some live sand and a filter and a powerhead and heater and treat him for ich with cupramine?
Rubbermaids work miracles.


What kind of sand is it? Is it true live that you bought wet in a bag? If so then you will lose the microorganisms in it. Fortunately that can be seeded with a small amount of new live. If the sand was "live" but dry, then it only contained live bacteria cultures and is fine to hypo. The problem with performing hyposalinity with the rock in there is that the life in and on the rock will die. There may not appear to be much on it but often the die of is more significant in amount than is expected. That will cause the ammonia to spike. Any inverts or coral would have to come out. You can put those into a rubber maid bin along with the rock pieces. Use a heater and a power head in the bin.
Out of curiosity, why are you planing on throwing out the rock after you get new rock?


The rock is going to be tossed because to be honest its ugly and the shape doesn't go well in the reef tank after we upgraded it. Had to pull the rock for a large clam. Can not find a place for it to not fall and it wont fit in the sump.
It was orginally only put in my FO tank so the fish could hide and not be stressed. See it took 6 weeks for the rock I ordered to show up and I was bored sitting at a empty tank after 3 months so I bought a few fish.
The sand was wet it is carbi-alive figi pink the bag had water in it unlike what you would but at a national petstore. I can always go buy a small bag to re-seed it or even pull a cup full from the reef tank.
In the tank there is
maginific fox face
hippo tang
powder blue tang
emperior angel
small true perc
I dont have a problem using rubbermaid but right now its just the filter I use for my QT is re-curing my rock that I got. My QT tank is only 30 gal though will the fish be ok in that size for 3 weeks for hypo?
Also last question..... Can I put my inverts in my reef tank or can they carry ick but not show signs of it and affect the fish in the reef tank??


How big are these fish? If they are all juveniles then the 30 will work fine. Is the QT fully cycled? It is up to you if you want to hypo in the display or in the QT. If you do it in the DT, be sure to remove your inverts and the rock pieces. Don't put these into your reef. They most certainly can carry the parasites, even though they cannot be a host for them. They will be safe to go into the reef in three weeks.