Hypo treatment? PLEASE HELP


As I said before, there is plenty of information on it. Do some google searches. This is also from Bob Fenner:
Could inverts such as shrimp, serpent stars, snails, and crabs carry the disease?
<Mmm, not carry per se... but can be vectors, physical carriers... as well as the water that they might be transported in...>


Active Member
Anything "wet" has the possibilty of carrying ich from one tank to another, according to Fenner. For instance, a wet starfish could conceivably have free swimming ich on it when you transfer it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
.... A guy at one LFS said he has battled ick three times over the past five years with this method. Anyone ever used it before? And if so, have you had any luck?
Having ich 3 times in 5 years is proof his methods of treating it are not working. Most of us here recomend the "sure thing" when treating the parasite.


Staff member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Anything "wet" has the possibilty of carrying ich from one tank to another, according to Fenner. For instance, a wet starfish could conceivably have free swimming ich on it when you transfer it.
My thoughts exactly, which means the starfish in the friend's tank could introduce ich into that tank. Much lower risk then introducing a fish, but still a risk.