HYPO- What Is The Lowest Your Salinty Can Go WIthout Losing Your Shrimp?

What Is The Lowest You Can Measure Your Salinity AT In Order TO Still Do HYPO. What Is The Lowest READING That Will Not Kill Your Shrimp And Still Help For ICK.
Explain What HPO. IS!!
What If You Have Cleaner Shrimps Along With Snails In Your Tank You Are Trying To Do HYPO On For Ick.
I Have No Hospital Tank!
I Have Lost A Number Of Fish Already.
Green X Doesn't Work. Fresh Water Dips Don't Help! Water Changes Every Other Day Doesn't Help!! What Helps That You Can Still Use In Your Tank WIth Live Rock ALong WIth Some Inverts.
Please Respond!
Use Copper Safe. It can be found probably at any fish store, I know Petland Discounts carry it. It's safe with almost everything. I've used it with shrimps before and have had success. Good Luck
Could you explain how to get rid of ick.
I have two tanks that have ick. Both have cleaner shrimp, snails, hermit crabs as well as a tang left along with a clown in them.
Both tanks have live rock etc.
Here is what I have done so far!
Used Green X for one week every other day!
I have done water changes every three days.
Then I ran carbon for one day. Then I was told to use Kick Ick.
I have done fresh water dips. Then a couple days later I tried formulin 3 dip.
My poor Salfin has the worst case in the 46 gal tank.
I cannot move the fish into one hospital tank.
First I don't have one.
I have another tang in the 55 gal that I have been treating.
I really would like to know what works!!
Since I am new saltwater hobbyist.
I have been a fresh water hobbyist with a number of breeding tanks for a number of years.
I really like my saltwater tanks!
Please respond!
:eek: :mad:


It'd be good if u posted more specs abt both tanks! How long have they been set up?
IMHO the best way to deal with ****** ("ick") is with hypo (which will kill your inverts). :eek:
Definitely try to separate all the rocks and inverts into one tank, and the fish in the other. Then do hypo in the FISH ONLY tank.
Run a search in the Disease forum, there are TONS of strands about how to combat ich!
Best of luck to you! And after (better b4) all this is over, u might rethink setting up a hospital tank! It'll probably save u the head/heartache and $ in the long run~
I have two tanks that have ick!
1st 55 Gal With Hippo Tang and A Purple Tang Along With Asfur Angel And Maroon Clown. Damsel, With Cleaner Shrimp, Peppermint Shrimp, Snails And Crabs. I have 30 lbs of live rock with live sand.
Running That Tank
I have a Magnum Pro.
Emperor 280
Remora Protein Skimmer
Two Power Heads
U. V. Light
I have had the tank set up for about 4 months.
The second tank I have is a 46 Bow.
I have a Yellow Sailfin Tang, A Yellow Tang, A Damsel And Cleaner Shrimp With Two Snails. With 30 lbs live rock and live sand.
Running The Tank.
I have a Fluval 304
Emperor 400
Bak Pak Pro Protein Skimmer
Power Head
That Tank I have set up 3 Months.
I know I shouldn't have two tangs together in the tanks. They seem to get along fine. There is alot of hiding places.
What is your suggestion to get rid of ick for good.
If I move all of the fish into the 55 gal. Then I will have 4 tangs in one tank!!
Tell me how to do Hypo if I decide to do that!
Please Respond!
I have listed above the information on my set-up for my two tanks with ick. Along with information on my fish.
I forgot to list my cleaner wrasse in my 55 gal tank.
I noticed after using Green X. I used carbon did a water change between medications. I am now started using Kick Ick. Which was recommended to me. Along With Doing Fresh Water Dips To The More Serious Infested And Formulin 3. I have done a number of water changes.
My 55 gal tank seems to be the tank that is showing some improvement in fighting the disease.
The hypo tang has some.
The purple has no spots
The asfur angel never showed anything along with the other fish in the tank!
The 46 bow is another story:
My poor sailfin tang is the worst.
He seems to be at the cleaning station quite a bit. He has quite a bit of ick still on him. I have lost most of the other fish in that tank.
Could you please give me some more help. I am new at this.


Will not pretend to be an expert, but we are currently treating for ich, so here is what we have researched: (you will find some good info in the disease and treatment forum if you search hyposalinity)
the tanks with live rock must be left fish-less for several weeks to break the life cycle of the ich parasite (inverts can stay in the tank, keep water, salinity, everything as normal)
the fish must be in a tank with salinity of 1.009 for several weeks to fully kill the parasite. Thats the basics, as I said, search for more particulars as to how to slowly lower the salinity, etc Good Luck. I know it sounds like a giant pain but this WILL end this cycle for you and your fish.


Hypo works, copper will kill all inverts and rock. There is a lot of advice here, but this is my 2 cents.
Put all FISH in the larger tank. Put all inverts and rock in another. (Buy one you can get a 20ga for $15-30 bucks)
Start hypo.
This is saltwatergal.
I appreciate all of everyones help on this matter.
Tell me what will happen to the live rock when you do hypo.
Does all of the live rock have to be moved when you do hypo?
Do you add carbon in your filters while you are doing hypo?
If the invert. are in one tank. What happens to the ick in that tank.
How long does it take to bring your tank down to that low sality!
Do you continue to treat with kick ick for the salfin and the the hippo that have the ick infestation the worst.
Do all fish go into the one tank such as the damels that show no ick. Should they not be kept in the tank with the invert, because they still carry the ick even though it doesn't show.
Could someone explain how to do hypo!!
I am sorry I have so many questions on this matter.
I feel sorry for my fish that they have this horrible disease.
Please respond!!


excellent answers regarding your hypo and ich problems can be found if you do a search in the DISEASE & TREATMENT forums!! ;) Just trust me and look there!!