hypo ?


Ok i have had it with ich! Now 2 out of my 3 tanks have ich my 1st tank is a 100 gal with a 20 high that will eventually become a fuge but as of now it only has a half inch layer of sand and a 20 long as a sump so about 140 total gallons with only one fish a porcupine puffer. My second tank that just got ich is a 38 gal with 2 clowns,2 cleaner gobies,1 yellow clown goby ,2 cleaner shrimp 10 hermits and 3 turbo snails. My question is finally since i cant use copper on the puffer and the cleaner gobies and the puffer will eat my gobies if i put them togetherin my 55 QT. So could i leave the puffer in the 100 and move the fish only from my 38 to my 20 high fuge and take the rock from the 100 and put it in the 38 and run hypo on my big tank? The sand i have in the fuge as well as in the display is pretty new and is play sand so i know its not live yet i mean i just recently started to see copepods all over the glass. Does anyone think this is a good idea? If not can someone point me in the right direction. Thanks


Seems to be the only course of action, Unless you go and buy another 20gal for the puffer, put water from the 100 gal and start a hypo on it and the other 20 !
You can always reseed the sand once hypo is done!
Ick is truly the scourge of this hobby! :mad:


Staff member
Yep, that would work. Or you could also place a divider in the 100 to separate the fish.
What are you using to measure salinity?
And how did you get ich in your displays, if you have a QT??


Right now for measuring saltanity is 2 hydrometers (i know i need a refracto thats the next thing on my to buy list so for now i use 2 different ones both the same readings). I think i got ich due to being stupid when i bought porky i had to remove my gobies from my 100 to my 38 and since i did that i think the move over stressed them and then since the 100 was empty i just put the puffer straight in and 2 or 3 days later he had small signs of ich. Just to make sure I understand this whole hypo thing. My saltanity right now is at 1.023 so within 24 hours i take it down to 1.015-1.017 and the next 24 hours to 1.09 and leave it there for 3 weeks and then raise the saltanity back to normal over 1 week making total treatment 4 weeks? Will 4 weeks of my 38 at normal saltanity kill off all ich or should i wait longer on that tank? If so how much longer? Sorry for all the ?'s i just dont want to lose any of my fish by messing up the process


Staff member
Do not use swing arm hydrometers. You will be completely wasting your time. A quality glass hydrometer will likely do well.


darn i got one of each but they both read the same so i hope there right but other than that do i have everything else down right? Is there anything else i could do to help with the ich?