hypo ?

Ok I had a ick outbrake. I read that ick needs a host to survive. So I'm trying hyposalinity and I'm trying to reduce the salt at a slow rate. Which is a problem because I got it down to 1.oo11 to 1.oo12 and it's really not moving.
So my question is: I have a puffer in the tank that doesn't have ick. The fish that did died. Even though the water hasn't reached the desired 1.009 if I wait a month(I read that you had to do a month of hypo) would the parasites die.


Hello.First,you say you hear that ick can't survive without a host,which is true,so your going to do hypo.Is the puffer the only fish?If so,it won't be long until hes infested.He is the only host.The fish are the hosts.As for your question,hyposalinity doesn't work unless it is at .009.No less and no more.Do a search on hyposalinity on this board and you will find lots of info.Also I would have to suggest to you to set up a hospital tank.They are life savers,literally.hth


Active Member
I have found that to lower the salinity say in a 20 gallon you must do almost a gallon of FW to drop it 2 points monitoring it after about the first half gallon. The point between where you are at and .1009 seems to be the hardest to hit right. It takes some patience and close watching but you can get it down there and since a Puff will get Ick easily you should try to do it and keep it there for at least 3 preferably 4 weeks before bringing it back up. As suggested the search section has lots of Hypo info so check it out.
gobylover, when I said "without a host" I was saying that because it's been three or more weeks since my grouper died(ick)and the puffer does not have it yet. I wanted to know was it possible. Maybe I didn't explain myself clearly.


Active Member
It does become harder to reach the desired level because youy are thinning out the salt with each change, you will reach it.


Staff member
Ick dies in the free swiming stage of the disease process, which is when hyposalinity works. It kills ick in this free-swimming stage. It is remotely possible that your pufferfish will not come down with ick, but, left untreated, the chances are against you. The fish has been exposed.
Use hyposalinity on the puffer for 3 weeks if you see no sign of ick on this fish. If, however, the fish develops ick, then use hyposalinity for 3 weeks AFTER the fish no longer has any sign of ick.