Hyposalinity and death


I have qt, in 2 differnt tanks, 1 yellow tang and one clarkii clown. i lost the clown last night, he got really pale in color and was dead this morning:((. My salinity in the tangs tank is only at 1.013 at this point. the clowns was at, 1.009. Heres my question. For those that have a refractometer, when your reading it, do you count the mark where the color changes from light to dark, or, theres a spot thats is really lighter white inbetween the black and white(i hope this makes sense). Anyway, where di i read it? Did i let my salinity get too low and thats why i lost my clown?? Please help!!


How much time did you take to reduce the salinity of the water?, the rule is to slowly reduce the salinity over a weeks time..then when the qt'ing is done, slowly bring it back up in a weeks time again..


I performed the hypo by the book, thats why I was wondering what might have went wrong, as i monitered the sg/salinity (w. ref.) In my ref. the numbers are equivilant 1.009=14. He, for the most part, just seemed to lose his color and was gone the next morning. Just dont want to lose the tang to the same thing . Yes he is in another tank . I am going to do a water change tomorrow. do I just mix up 14 saltwater, the same as a normal water change? Thanks for the help so far.


i would tend to think pH also during the hypo unless the clarkii just succumbed to whatever u were treating him for (ich i assume).
On my atc refractometer, there is a clean line from blue to white. if u are seeing something else, there may be a problem with the prism or maybe air bubbles between the prism and cover during the test. the last thing i wonder is if ur refractometer is atc (automatic temp control) and have u tested and/or adjusted it recently with RODI water?
hth and sorry about ur clarkii...


Hey, Thanks for the help guys. I am going to 'recalibrate' it tody. Im not sure if its temp. sensetive. I was under the assumption( i know, lol) that reft. didnt need to be calibrated' temp' wise anyway.


New Member
I have had the same thing happen to 3 Damsels over the past 2 weeks and Salinity, Nitrate, Nitrite, Ph and Ammonia levels are well within range. Actually, all are perfect except for the Nitrate and they are at 20.