Hyposalinity - Halfway through?



I am nearing my second full week of hypo and I noticed my PB tang had 2 specs of white on him. I have my tank currently at 13 ppt salinity and a sg of 1.008 and 79-80 degrees. I am doing hypo in my main tank. Do I have to start all over again with the hypo calendar now because ick has shown a presence (minute, but presence non the less).


Staff member
Terry Irenicus has another active thread going here with his eel in hypo who is not eating. Do eels tolerate hypo well? Could the SG of 1.008 be too low for the eel?
Irenicus, it may be better to stick to one thread on your problems, otherwise we might not get the whole picture.


It's been at 13ppt for almost 2 weeks.
I'll keep in this thread for now.


Staff member
I'm going to stick this up at the top to see if Terry can attend to it.


Active Member
I've never had a problem with either of my eels being in hypo. I've had a SFE, and jeweled moray, and both seemed to do fine with the lower salinity. I've kept them in the lower salinity for as long as 6 weeks without any noticable side affects. Both ate well durring the entire process.


Active Member
I just read your other thread.
Do you have anything in the tank for the eel to hide in? If not place a peice of pvc pipe in there for him. He may be just stressed from the move. It's not that uncommon for an eel to go for a little while without eating. I've had mine go for a couple of weeks, but never as long as yours has.


Yeah. I was worried about him being secure so I placed a lot of rocks together (dead rocks) and have some pvc pipe for him, he seems content, but he just doesn't want to eat. He'll look out his den and sometimes swim around the tank, but won't eat. I placed some squid by his den around 8 pm central today, hopefully it will be gone by morning, this squid has been soaking in garlic. I doubt it will work, but I gotta keep trying things.


Yep. I've tried prawns, doesn't go for them. He used to like those a lot too. I'm going to do a water change tomorrow. Also, Terry, did you get a chance to read the other part of my post
I am nearing my second full week of hypo and I noticed my PB tang had 2 specs of white on him. I have my tank currently at 13 ppt salinity and a sg of 1.008 and 79-80 degrees. I am doing hypo in my main tank. Do I have to start all over again with the hypo calendar now because ick has shown a presence (minute, but presence non the less).


I'm not sure, it's gone now. I guess it could be a grain of sand (Crossed Fingers). I went below the mark of salinity to prevent errors. I will null my refracometer and mesure the salinity again today after work.
Also, How long can fish live in Hyposaline water? I seem to remember you or someone else saying indefinately. If I have to do another hypo session, will my fish be able to survive it.


Staff member

Originally posted by Irenicus
Also, How long can fish live in Hyposaline water? I seem to remember you or someone else saying indefinately. If I have to do another hypo session, will my fish be able to survive it.

Yes, they will be fine if another procedure is needed.....however, do not go below the 1.009......below will cause problems for your fish.


I'm tested the salinity again, 13ppt. Ph was fine. I ran out of ammonia/nitrate/nitrite test supplies so i ordered some. I will do a water change and add water with a slightly higher salinity. Hopefully that will boost the salinity slightly.
It's funny, i found that hermit crab I talked about earlier and he's still alive. I finally grabbed him but he was a trooper.
I know my refractometer is measuring accurately because I used distilled water and it was at null. No calibration needed. None of my fish have any ick spots and I'm hoping what was on the tang was sand on his slime coat.
Eel still not eating however. He peeked out, but he's done that before to no avail. Maybe his is eating the krill I can't get to after feedings? I just can't wait till this hypo is over (and hopefully works) so they can get back to their normal behavior.


They are with my test regiments in the mail. Meanwhile i'm gonna have a friend bring his over so I can ensure the ammonia didn't spike in the past couple days. I seen the eel swimming around so I dropped a cocktail shrimp in before i went to work. Hopefully it's gonne and he ate it.


The shrimp was in his den with part missing, probably from another fish. Do you guys know off hand how much salt per 5 gallon pale of water equates to 13ppt1 saltwater?


Yes, he just looks confused and won't take it. I'll try again with a feeding stick after work. I see him out and about sometimes in the morning, so I wondering if he is hungry. I adjusted the rocks to make him feel more secure. He hides under them, so I imagine he feels secure. I bought some big pvc, maybe I should by some more pvc whose diameter is a little larger than the eel. Legthwise however, he is about 1.5ft. Give or take a couple inches.


Staff member
Does he have a cave like structure where he can get under? He should have something set up like a cave.