Hyposalinity - Halfway through?



Sucess.... I think... I put a garlic soaked cocktail shrimp in the tank for my SFE and he sniffed it and went back in he rock pile/cave, i went to my computer, came back and it was out of sight. I stuffed everyone else with krill so it had to be him. I'll do a thorough search this morning for the shrimp just to make certain.
Yep, he has his own little palace i made for him.


Started to raise the salinity back up again after the 3 week period and there are a couple of issues:
A) My tusk (who's showing aggression damage) had 2 salt specs on his fins, the PB Tang is fine though, he's kind of my indicator of ick. He's going in a ten gallon hospital tank to recover, should i treat his ragged fins and scrapped body with something? I don't think the aggression is that bad which makes me fear that he may have an infection or something.
B) My angel has taken a turn for the worse. He has lots of white or discolored blotches on his body and gold pits or spots around his head, gills, and bottom. He's had this for about 4 days and I thought maybe it was to do with the stress of hyposalinity. Now the Empreror Angel is...
*Scratching at his gills or head
*Breathing Rapidly
*Not really eating
My question is could this be the start or progression of Marine Velvet?? My other fish seem fine. Here are the specifics...
Was Doing Hypo in this tank
125 Gallon Aquarium (Wet Dry Filter) (Protein Skimmer)
No Live Rock
20 Ppt (was moving the salinity up)(measuring with Refract)
PH 8.2
Temp 78
Ammonia:.01 (Maybe .00 it's a color match)
Nitrates: .0
Nitrites: Approx .4
Tank has been running for a year. But moved June 1 and started it up again then.
Diet: Fresh Clams, Squid, Spiralina, Krill, angel formula w/ sponge, mussels
I'm getting him in a hospital tank tomorrow, i lost a heater doing my move so i need to pick on up tomorrow.


I purchased some furacyn and setting back up the QT today. I'll fill it halfway with tank water and have a pipe for him to hide in. I'll post more when complete.


I have my Emp. Angel in QT right now per your (Terry's) instructions. There was a slight setback, the heater I used jacked the temp up to 84 degrees, Thermostat must be broken. I turned it down and will be purchasing another heater after work. Hopefully the temp goes back down:(


Angel is no longer flicking and scratching. It seems he is doing better. I will need to put a floresent light on him to be sure. He's been in treatment for 36 hours so far. As for my main display tank, my tusk still has some white spots on his fins but the PB tang or the other fish do not, should I stop raising the salinity and begin another cycle of Hyposalinity? Please advise.


Well... The Annoying Ick has returned to my tank. I will begin lowering the salinity in my main tank again to 14 ppt and will keep it going for 3 weeks after the white spots dissappear. Hopefully my angel in the hospital tank doesn't get infected. It should be his 3rd day in treatment for a bacterial infection.


All exposed fish are being treated the same time in hypo. The second round my angel will get a day late start but I will account for that on my calendar. The angel is in Furacyn for 3 days per terry's instructions. He's starting to look better and his symptoms are disappearing.


The only symptons the angel still shows is the multi-focal depigmentation. I don't see him eating much and he is hiding a lot (I figure it is hospital tank stress.) Terry, it's been 3 days since the Furacyn, should I filter it out change the water and get the angel started on hypo?


I've started Hyposalinity again on both my main tank and my 10 gal. qt with my angel. The Salinity is 12 ppt1 right now and I'm gonna raise it slightly next water change to 13 or 14 ppt1. My Angel is doing ok, he's eating a little, but he still hase some skin depigmentations that i'm concerned with. Do you think that could be marks from the cryptoirritans? I've been feeding seaweed selects soaked in selcon to try and get vitamins in him (which he nibbles somewhat). Should I feed selcon soaked mysis also?
Any advice Terry or Beth or anyone. I'm worried about the angel's wellfare.


Yeah, I've been using a little bit of Beta Glucan it seems to be working good.
In my main tank, my Pork Puffer has developed Popeye. He had an injury to his eye about 3 weeks ago (i think he his a rock or something, no nets), it looked as if it healed up great and then I wake up to see a cloudy bubble over his eye that was once injured. He can see through the bubble. My hospital tank is full with the angel right now, and it will take a couple days to get him out. What are my options with the Porc Puffer? Will this heal on it's own? Do I need to start an antibiotic regiment?
Thanks Terry & Beth!


I still have furacyn, should I use that? How should I dose in case i need to use an antibiotic.


Upon close inspection, I noticed my empreror has a ragged right fin, maybe finrot. He has just started hypo, he is a week behind the main tank. Should I start the angel with Marcyn 2 or another regiment of furazone. Can I put my little pork puffer with popeye in the q tank with him so I can kill 2 birds with 1 stone? If I do use marcyn 2 how does the dosing work.


The angel wasn't netted. I used a container to catch him. The pork puffer had an eye wound that caused the popeye (must have scratched it on a rock.) Should I hold off a few days until to see if it gets better?


Staff member
Get the antibiotic. If you are going to have to order it online, its going to take a bit for you to get it.
If you want to wait, you can, but keep a very close eye on it. Use a mag glass to inspect the fish. You will get a much better look using the mag glass, and can more easily make an assessment.