Hyposalinity make ich worse, fish is now bloated


Originally Posted by Jer4916
i just personally set up a qt tank, used copper, didn't touch my salinity, left it at .23 ..did it for two weeks,...left my main tank alone...and my ich was gone, i just had to do water changes every day on my qt.
thank worked for me, i run copper...and i suggest it.

copper is a last resort kind of thing. if you have tried everything else to try and get rid of your problem and it hasn't worked, then you try it. copper is such a potent medication that it can do just the opposite of helping.
to beth, i am not wrong if you read up on hyposalinity the reason why it works is because the parasites are just like inverts in that they can't live in the lower salinity and that is why hyposalinity works, why else would you lower the salinity. so you don't have to lower the salinity past 1.014. you can but it doesn't make sense to.


Originally Posted by guineawhop
copper is a last resort kind of thing. if you have tried everything else to try and get rid of your problem and it hasn't worked, then you try it. copper is such a potent medication that it can do just the opposite of helping.
to beth, i am not wrong if you read up on hyposalinity the reason why it works is because the parasites are just like inverts in that they can't live in the lower salinity and that is why hyposalinity works, why else would you lower the salinity. so you don't have to lower the salinity past 1.014. you can but it doesn't make sense to.

In reality though, if a person was really doing this hobby the way it should be, they would have a QT tank. So when fish get sick (like ick for instance) they put all the sick fishies in the QT and can then do hypo or whatever. So at that point, all the inverts in the display tank are irrelevant because, as we all know ick doesn't affect them. So then with fish only in the QT you can go as low as you should ( 1.009) to do the hypo correctly.
But thats just my 2 cents


Originally Posted by mwaraxa
In reality though, if a person was really doing this hobby the way it should be, they would have a QT tank. So when fish get sick (like ick for instance) they put all the sick fishies in the QT and can then do hypo or whatever. So at that point, all the inverts in the display tank are irrelevant because, as we all know ick doesn't affect them. So then with fish only in the QT you can go as low as you should ( 1.009) to do the hypo correctly.
But thats just my 2 cents
i agree that everyone should have a qt tank. the only problem with taking the fish out of the main tank and medicating them in the qt tank is that if it is a parasite, the parasites are still in the main tank, so there is a good possibility if you put him back into the main tank after treatment he will get sick again. i use my qt tank for when i buy a new fish to make sure it is healthy before putting it into the main tank. that way it cannot spread anything to my main tank.


I just went through this ich stuff. I used kick ich and it worked one of my fish a 13" convict bleeny looked bad his eyes even looked messed up my yellow tang was full of white dots my trigger was scraching on everything they have directions for a 14 day treament on the bottel at nthe end of the 14 days the ich is gone has been gone for 7 days now am still keeping an eye on it. I could not see buying another tank or doing dayl after day of water changes heard about kick ich and was told if you just do as it states on the directions it will work but if you quite because you get brown alge or your tank looks dark for a day or 2 it can't work. You folks can keep you hypo and wasteing your salt water and swet I will stick to kick ich.


Originally Posted by guineawhop
i agree that everyone should have a qt tank. the only problem with taking the fish out of the main tank and medicating them in the qt tank is that if it is a parasite, the parasites are still in the main tank, so there is a good possibility if you put him back into the main tank after treatment he will get sick again. i use my qt tank for when i buy a new fish to make sure it is healthy before putting it into the main tank. that way it cannot spread anything to my main tank.

I will agree with that if they left a fish in the tank or something. But if all the fish are moved into the QT and none are left in the Display tank then there isn't anything for the ick to feed on. So if the fish are in the QT for the needed 3 weeks then the ick in the display tank would die off as well.


Originally Posted by oreo12
I just went through this ich stuff. I used kick ich and it worked one of my fish a 13" convict bleeny looked bad his eyes even looked messed up my yellow tang was full of white dots my trigger was scraching on everything they have directions for a 14 day treament on the bottel at nthe end of the 14 days the ich is gone has been gone for 7 days now am still keeping an eye on it. I could not see buying another tank or doing dayl after day of water changes heard about kick ich and was told if you just do as it states on the directions it will work but if you quite because you get brown alge or your tank looks dark for a day or 2 it can't work. You folks can keep you hypo and wasteing your salt water and swet I will stick to kick ich.

Ya really aren't wasting that much salt at all. Besides, i bet you spent more on that kick ich then i did on the salt i "wasted". And if i did waste anything it was worth the peace of mind knowing i didn't have to put any crap in my tank.


Originally Posted by mwaraxa
I will agree with that if they left a fish in the tank or something. But if all the fish are moved into the QT and none are left in the Display tank then there isn't anything for the ick to feed on. So if the fish are in the QT for the needed 3 weeks then the ick in the display tank would die off as well.
wait, how big of a qt tank do you suggest a person has. most people have 20 gallons qt tanks, at least the people i know. you don't suggest someone put all their fish into a 20 gallon do you?


Of course not. I only have a 20 gal. qt. I know that putting all of your fish in a QT isn't necessarily realistic. BUT. If we're talking about people with 200 gal tanks with 20+ fish. . . Then they are stupid if they didn't QT things correctly. I would think that the people taht aren't using QT like they should to introduce healthy fish into their main tank, they don't have HUGE tanks. So they don't/shouldn't ahve a million fish in their tank. So they probably could put them all in QT. It might not be ideal, but for the sake of 3 weeks and getting them and the display tank healthy. . .


people with huge tanks usually have big fish, not necessarily the quantity. you could not put several fish that are say minimum 6 inches in a 20. it is unrealistic to put all fish in a qt tank. it might however be able to put all the inverts in the 20 and do hypo to the main tank.


Staff member
The idea with a QT is to add one fish at a time to the QT, then transfer that fish over to the aquaria after it has successfully been thru qt. In this way, you can be assured that your fish will never have a contagious disease that would require a globle treatment of all fish.
If you practice QT first, then most hobbyists can keep a 20gal Long tank just fine, and no need for anything bigger, unless you plan to get larger fish full grown.


No I did not crap in my tank. I did use a great product that dose not hurt your live rock crabs starfish corals and such. Hey if you don't like it don't try it. But someone else might be consedring it and would like to know results of someone else that tried it. Do your thing wish you all the luck. What works for me won't work for you anyway. I bought the 1 litter of kick ick 14.89 14 days no more ick. But you stick to stressing out your poor little fish moving it from place to place lowirg and raising his salt level. If that is what you want to do. Try it or not I don't care it worked great for me. My fish still alive and doing great.


Staff member
I suppose that after working in and moderating this forum for 5 yrs and having been dealing with ich here thousands of times just doesn't hold up to your 14 days of exp with kick ick.
Kick ick may work occassionally, and it may not work just as frequently. I don't move my fish around from tank to tank, because my fish are alway QTed and perfectly healthy before they ever go into the aquaria. That is what I advocate, and most people who come seeking help in this forum are looking for what works, as well as my opinion on what is wrong with their fish. Of course, you can express your opinion, and I can refute it when I know it is wrong. When it comes to fish disease, I have to give my best opinion....since folks that come here are relying upon that opinion.


Staff member
Regardless, oreo, telling eveyone how wonderful kick ich is and how stressful QT is to fish, is not right. I spend a lot of time here trying to get hobbyists to bite the bullet and setup a QT. Believing in the quick cure method is playing Russian Rroulette. Most hobbyists are going to have to have a QT or they will be dealing with a lot of problems in their tank.
Anyhow, my point to reply was not really to engage in a debate. People, including guests to SWF.com do searches here all the time trying to find answers to problems. I did not want your comments in this thread to be taken to heart by anyone who was visiting the forums. By adding my opinion, hopefully anyone who reads the thread will realize that reef safe stuff really is not very good.


Originally Posted by Beth
Regardless, oreo, telling eveyone how wonderful kick ich is and how stressful QT is to fish, is not right. I spend a lot of time here trying to get hobbyists to bite the bullet and setup a QT. Believing in the quick cure method is playing Russian Rroulette. Most hobbyists are going to have to have a QT or they will be dealing with a lot of problems in their tank.
Anyhow, my point to reply was not really to engage in a debate. People, including guests to SWF.com do searches here all the time trying to find answers to problems. I did not want your comments in this thread to be taken to heart by anyone who was visiting the forums. By adding my opinion, hopefully anyone who reads the thread will realize that reef safe stuff really is not very good.
Like I said it worked great for me if I ever get it again I will use it again. I just wounder if you ever even tried it? Not everyone that love these fish have 12 hours a day to poor into there fish bowl. It is a shame some people have such narrow minds.


Well Oreo, if it makes you feel better. I ended up having to put a tang in my qt to treat for ick. I used Kick ick and it didn't do a freakin thing for me. Ya wanna know what did? Hypo. Whether meds work or not, why use them if ya don't have to? I noticed that the med was stressing my fish out WAY more than the hypo. Even at 1.009


Originally Posted by mwaraxa
Well Oreo, if it makes you feel better. I ended up having to put a tang in my qt to treat for ick. I used Kick ick and it didn't do a freakin thing for me. Ya wanna know what did? Hypo. Whether meds work or not, why use them if ya don't have to? I noticed that the med was stressing my fish out WAY more than the hypo. Even at 1.009
it may not have worked for you but imo every fish is different and reacts differently to different kinds of meds. some work for some fish while it may not work for another. i do agree with using hypo over meds but i still do not think it is necessary for you to put the salinity to 1.009 when you can leave it at 1.014 and it will have the same effect.


Originally Posted by mwaraxa
Well Oreo, if it makes you feel better. I ended up having to put a tang in my qt to treat for ick. I used Kick ick and it didn't do a freakin thing for me. Ya wanna know what did? Hypo. Whether meds work or not, why use them if ya don't have to? I noticed that the med was stressing my fish out WAY more than the hypo. Even at 1.009
Why would that make me feel beter? Just cause i like kick ich. sorry it did not work for you. Did you wait the hole 14 days or give up around 7 days. Glad hypo worked and your fishy is ok.


Staff member
The point here is that the hobbyist shouldn't be fooling around with "what might work". Yes kick ich is "easy" but it is not reliable. My goal here is to help people understand the necessity of basic good fish/aquaria care practices, which meaning using a QT to treat sick fish. So, when someone comes along refuting that with little more to offer than "it worked for me" so everyone should try it, then I do have a problem with it. I'm not trying to be dictatorial, just trying to save a fish or two, and keep the hobbyist from experiencing undo stress and sadness.


Yep tried Kick ick also- didn't work ick went away for a while but came back. most likly due to the lifecycle of ick anyway. Wonder if it has come back yet for oreo i would like to know. ALso he said he would use it again if he got ick back. If it truly worked there would be no more ick to come back. Learned the hard way looking for a quick fix. Use a QT!! I now treat all my new fish with hypo to ensure I do not infect my display.