hyposalinity method ?


Active Member
Hello. Along with my kick ich medicine, i was told it would be good to do the hyposalinity method. on the info. threads it says to not use with live rock and corals. The guy at the LFS said to go ahead with the rock ans stuff. I only have one small toadstool leather....is it okay do do with the LR? I dont have any inverts except for one cleaner shrimp.
Please :help: thanks!


You can remove the LR & Sand, Shrimp and corals, place them in a separate container any type of container (QT tank if you have one) that will hold the LR with water add a Powerhead & heater, this will help with temperature control plus give circulation.
You really should remove the LR & Sand the die off can cause water quality issues.


Staff member
You absolutely CAN NOT do hyposalinity with corals, inverts and live rock in the tank. Hyposalinity will kill all of those things.