Hyposalinity Question

bird dog

I had been at .009 PH 8.3 for 4 weeks and all fish looking perfect.So slowly raised salinity over 4 days to .020 when on day 5 I noticed Blue Tang scratching on a rock. After a close look I noticed 2 white ick spots. So I started salinity drop. Im back at .009 and ick is almost gone from sight again.
How long can I stay at .009 safely?
Will the Ick ever be gone for good if I dont add anything?


I am about to start the same process tommorow.
Your questions are good and I am curious at the answer.
How big is your tank and how many fish do you have in it?
Have they or do they all show signs of ick?
Any other behavior observations; scratching, lathargic, lack of appitite during actual hypo treatment (or once the salinity is at 1.009).
What Ph buffer did you use to control the Ph, was there a lot of variation or change in Ph?
Sorry for all the questions, any other advise for someone who is about to go down that road...........


Active Member
umm... i dont remember too clear how long i did my hypo for but i think it was for about 10 days strait or soo... but even afther my fish lost all sign of ich.. i still held the hypo till my 10th day was up or so... then i raised my tank over a weeks time... i think the raise in salinity is even more stressful on fish then the drop...

bird dog

Fish act totally fine in hypo. They eat great and look great if you use a refractometer and do it correctly as directed in Q&A section at top of Message Board.
My fish are ick free again.
Do not do with inverts or live rock. Follow directions in Q&A
I used Seachem Marine Buffer once and held PH
steady at 8.3

bird dog

My tank is a 100 gal that is overstocked due to it is housing the reef tank fish while I get this ick gone.


Thank you, I got a refractometer and a Ph buffer.
I am a little worried but I most do what must be done.
How fast to drop it and how slow to bring it up.
I thought dropping salinity .002 a day from 1.023 to 1.009 in 7 days, and bring it up .001 a day for 14 days (leaving at 1.009 for at least 3 - 4 weeks until all signs of ick are gone).
At this rate I am looking at 2 months before the tank is stable again, right?
Can I drop it any faster or raise it any faster.....
Thanks for the info, I didn't mean to piggy back on your thread........thanks.

bird dog

Yes you can drop over 48 hour as it states in FAQ at top ofmessage boards.
I dropped .002 every few hours not to shock like in morning before work when got home from work and before bed. :joy:


Beth or anybody new:
How long can I stay at .009 safely?
Will the Ick ever be gone for good if I dont add anything?

sinner's girl

Will the Ick ever be gone for good if I dont add anything?
Stress causes ick to be harmful so even if you don't add another fish, if your fish are stressed (crowded, being picked on, bad water, ect), you could have an ick again.
I've never had ick so I've never done hypo, so I can't help you there.


I was usually at 78, but heard it was good to keep it at 80 during hypo, just wanted another opinion......