Hyposalinity Questions


I am using one of my emperor 400 hob filters for my 55g hypo tank. The filter is on my 75g now there are two of them. After i put the filter on the 55g and begin the hypo procedure won't this cause an ammonia spike? If it does what should i do? Should i run some extra charcoal in it? My last question is will the emperor provide adequate filtration for the hypo tank there will be a cardinal clown and long-nose butterfly in the tank. Thanks in advance for the help.


If the filter is already established, it won't have to cycle. And remember about the hypo proceedure. Your doing consent water changes anyway. Check your parimeters daily, and keep tabs on the ph.
Not sure about the carbon :thinking:


Originally Posted by lenny23
I am using one of my emperor 400 hob filters for my 55g hypo tank. The filter is on my 75g now there are two of them. After i put the filter on the 55g and begin the hypo procedure won't this cause an ammonia spike? If it does what should i do? Should i run some extra charcoal in it? My last question is will the emperor provide adequate filtration for the hypo tank there will be a cardinal clown and long-nose butterfly in the tank. Thanks in advance for the help.
You may have a minicycle. Keep a close eye on your ammonia. The two fish will not be a huge bioload. Charcoal does not do anything for biological filtration. It is for chemical filtration so there will be no need to add any. Your filter will be enough filtration, but it will not be enough water movement for the 55. Do you have a powerhead you could add? Any other questions you may have, please feel free to ask!


I put a powerhead in the tank too there is good flow in it. There is also some pvc pipe. What should I do to maintain ph or does it matter? The ph is around 7.8


Originally Posted by lenny23
I put a powerhead in the tank too there is good flow in it. There is also some pvc pipe. What should I do to maintain ph or does it matter? The ph is around 7.8
Ph always matters. Have you checked your alkalinity to see why it is so low? You can use a buffer such as Proper PH 8.2 to bring it back up. Do this slowly.


I tested for alkalinity with a dip test and it reads 300kh ppm. I don't know what to do to get the ph up. :help:


Originally Posted by lenny23
I tested for alkalinity with a dip test and it reads 300kh ppm. I don't know what to do to get the ph up. :help:
Just add the proper ph. You could use baking soda to do it, I tend to lean more tword a product designed for aquariums, but thats just me.


Approximately how long after achieving 1.009 should the ich still be visible on the fish? It has been 24 hours and I can still see white spots.


Originally Posted by lenny23
Approximately how long after achieving 1.009 should the ich still be visible on the fish? It has been 24 hours and I can still see white spots.
It could take a week or more depending on how much is in there.