Hyposalinity Treatment



I am contemplating doing a hyposalinity treatment on my DT with my sick fish in it to eliminate all the ick.
My concern is for my LR and LS what exactly will die in my LR and LS and will it disrupt my biological filter?
I have removed my inverts, corals, and a little bit of LR and placed them in a type of QT i have setup that is a 30g with 40 lbs LS which is running great.
Beth give me some input.
or anyone else's input is appreciated also!

al mc

Active Member
Hyposalinity should not affect the nitrogen cycle bacteria. When people refer to 'die off' from live rock and sand with hyposalinity it refers to the other microorganisms living on/in the rock/sand. This can result in an ammonia/nitrite/nitrate spike so it is best to keep 'change' water around if you need.


ah ok i got it now thats what i thought but was not completely sure. also will it kill the coraline algae?

noah's nemo

Just curious,but why didn't you take the fish out and put them in the hospital and leave the inverts and stuff in?May have been easier to do hypo on a smaller QT tank rather than a larger DT.At least it was in my case.


well i wanted to kill all of the ick off and that would mean killing it with hypo in my DT plus it is far easier to round up some croals and inverts rather then a sailfin tang, PBT, 2 Ocellarius clowns, orange shoulder tang, 6 line wrasse, and a venomous foxface rabbitfish which i am scared to try to net because all he does is jump when i try to catch him


It also dies by leaving the dt fallow, or without fish for at least six weeks, which I would recommend.

noah's nemo

Well i wish you luck, by the sounds of your stock,you must have a decent sized DT which is going to be a ton of WC's to bring your SG down,and then bringing it back up will be alot of work too...


He has 100 gallon with I think 40 gallon sump, if I remember right. I really think you should reconcider and remove all your fish into a large rubbermaid or something for the treatment, it would be much easier and probably more effective than hypo IMO.


ya i could see but the water changes are not an issue in the DT i just want to be rid of all the little ******'s ya know i also have a ro/di unit now and i got 35g of fresh water ready to go