

New Member
I noticed ich on my Percula Clown and Firefish. I'm currently setting up a quarintine tank and am using livesand as my substrate in order to jumpstart the cycling process in the tank. I am planning on using strictly hyposalinity and no medications. I've noticed that the FAQ thread on this site suggests not to use livesand if you are going to treat by hyposalinity? Am I going to have a problem curing my fish because of this?


Staff member
You can use live sand for hyposalinity and it can jump start your biofilter as you noted. If you were to be using a medication, however, it would be inadvisible.


New Member
Actually, I have another question. How accurate are those glass floating hydrometers. Refractometers are rather expensive and I already own one of the glass hydrometers. How exact does the salinity reading have to be for hyposalinity success?


Staff member
It has to be pretty exact. It is best to take a reading of specific gravity, as well as salinity. Refracts are pricy but when you consider that salt and adequate measurement of salt is primary to successful marine aquatics, then you can see that it can and will be used every time you change your water, rather than just for hyposalinity.
You can also get a lab-grade glass hydromter which is a tad cheaper.


I hesitated for a long time in buying a refractometer because I couldn't seem to justify the cost. I finally caved in and boy, it is one of the best purchases I have ever made. My swingarm hydrometer showed 1.024 on both of my tanks, whereas the refractometer showed 1.025 on one and 1.031 on the other. :eek: IMO, it's a tool that no serious SW hobbyist should be without - and for ~$60, it's not THAT bad - but it seems like it when you can only spend $15 on a hydrometer - but then I also considered the cost of all the life in my tank and decided to get it. I highly highly highly recommend it. :happy:


Staff member
Bad, thanks for reinforcing that. Refracts are not like the most interesting, fun item you will invest in in this hobby, but it as necessary as a QT.